Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 1, 1 November 1979 — Another Look by George Young [ARTICLE]
Another Look
by George Young
. In Hawaii, as in countless other"placqs, a certain minority group has been discriminated against in. the areas of employment, transportation and housing._The grounds for this" discrīmination have not been racial, religious or politicaL The ba,sis ofthe inequities, the prejudi9e« the negative attitudes, has eome out of misunderstanding and fear. The minority group whoarehandicappedby some physical or mental impairment This eolumn will seek understanding of persons with various disabilities 4 their concerns t their interests, the issues whieh require their attention. By continuing to provide the readers of KE ALAHOU vvith information of this uature» it is hoped that we Ilawaiian co.mmunity will be well Informed regarding our fellow citi\ens who are -lisabled, . Loeal, §tate and fēderal government ageucies are now required by law, to provide _certain services to (he handicapped such free appropriate public "education. Only recently have regulations from the federal government specifically stated that no qtherwise qualified person ean be denied access to employment or to transportation solely 611 the basis of handicap. Dlsabled or, noU these social changes will loueh our lives for we.jaxe not isolated» we are aot alone, but ratherrwe, as Hawaiians are part of a world community where understanding, tolerance and sharing arje jibsolutely \ital. " We will take "Another Look" eaeh moulh together at topics an4 people who ean enhanee qur awareness of persons who happen to be handicappell3y disabilities. Tt willbe our respoasibility to report 011 what other things tend to ( "handi*;ap" ov restrict the rights of others and ( whal ean he done by us all to reinedy these.