Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 1, 1 Nowemapa 1979 — He Ono A Na Kupuna Taape ame ka limu manauea by Melvin Murata [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
He Ono A Na Kupuna
Taape ame ka limu manauea
by Melvin Murata
1976 Sēafood-Recipe Contest 2nd Prize'.Wihner The Sea Gran! Manne/\dvisory Program fprinte<i vvith rho ■' penuission of Uw \larine Advjsory Programj. _ 4 medium taape fish, eaeh l k pounds I gallon of water 3 tablespooris of salt 1 ineh of ginger root, sliced l k cabhage, shredded % , \'z eup green oinons, chopped Limu Manauea Sauce 2 Cups of water lVa tablespoons of. cornstarch 2Va tablespoons of sugar Va teaspoons of Chinese 5-spice V* teaspopn of monosodium glutamate (optiohal) ' : dash of white pepper 1 tablespoon of shoyu Va tablespoon of vinegar "" x ig tablespoon ofJ gin V* teaspQup v)f fresh gingqr'juice 1 eup of limu m|anauea (übcooked) and chopped I 1 tablespoon t
1. Scaleandeleantaapefish/2. In]argepot, put water, salt and ginger slices. Bring to rapid boil, Remove pot from stove. 3. Plaee taape fish in hot water and cover inimediatelv. 4, Allowto starid for 20 minutes without removing coVer, Do not leave the t<|ape 1n the wa?fer after the &esignated period this will causē the skin to break, 5« Remove the taape fish from thē water gently and plaee on a !arge ova! dish a!feady covered with cabbageTSprinkle>viththegree.nonions, 0, Waee all the ingredibnts forthe sauce t except jthe limu manauea, ina pot and bringto boil ( stirring constantly tb disso!ve the cornstareh. Continue to boil for about IV2 minutes Remove pot from stove and fold in the limu manauea. B. Pour over flsh and ganiish wilh lemon wedges and parsley, and ser\;e immV diately SERVES 4