Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XL, Number 43, 4 July 1920 — The Select School [Illegible] [ARTICLE]

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The Select School [Illegible]

Edltor, N«w Fre«flom. A wry incerre<Jt .Jinpr4eBlon h&s be«ri Bj?read Iwin# ma<Je etart & "ee]ect aehool, for puplle home»,* The errōr seems io have a!ne ltves, bui yo*r «paeo fot «a etrort to wn Jt? Th« eomniltt«e e*Bvaeslag this nehooi very car«fui to £t»te that they want no 4"hey w*nt » aehool eBtAblisbed tl»at sha)t correct w{thout *ny 4 uestion ln thelr homea. Tjhēy reeosaize the fact th«t Tood Englieh, even wheā &etf paren'ts do not, daß9 to *oeb chHdren, Tbe peliUop tl»at thev ha?e of Education eonUiaa no refereace to helH •*** 3£ »U«S«Btlng a of admltttßO^^^ W ®" ' 'IH | ererj- for lU requJrefl to furnlßh satlsfactory evld'ence thal hlB W & qna)lty to be'nortn*Jly exp«cted in the grade aud that not Juore than per cent a»y grada b« ifl!aHrit $931 wH low that sta&3ard. We suggeet this allo*aoce of !*# WJw tbat »t>cb a proporiSoa of oīherwla6 S^flH the reauire4 et»ndw4 ln BBg«ah { -Wm mpeenil? fleelre that the rece or tiatlwiifiS :;5 »H Vi»atever jjnt: f in other t«M the soiTe coaslderßt!on, ast<l« frofii th<? ord!aary ? tflH tu «r*Oe, be the Q\«aitly of the applicwtf 6 ; "W 1 it is that qus cjojk«sJ is Npw, all ovor ttH co«ntrj' it bas been found tnat a fairly large pan ol IKe pur»'ls in <*adH th*m lo carryjrtH |th w(l w tli<f i»ext Klgher «ra4«. fo !n <hi !owi* <fī«m "®r t»« rest of the yeax la an injury io them, ironi severs! poitrtjH of view The ivmetb universally adopted is to promole lliem wher, <»<■ i*"* Jv Y^f: °^ e£s k«Wad, to «dvaacs $jcorsing to their abiHtjM **» fsi oojectione to thla meUiod, we hav« »ever hcard n urg<lH «»t it i» uwi«BOcrfttic. jH ,_ JPjf »itv»Uwn hcre is caactiy p&raliei. The pupil» vtho sp*v,<; c:o* nt«l.n are "hpia back in «ll their work, not slm®lv in their Brtfi«sh |Um- t«achera aiust drUi the rest M tbe pypHs iu TMc!:sV.. W i th *.?*. te 10 i«arc correct Enjflish. lji addition, ti.e who s; v »*H ,w f! ®nff«h always surrounded on tht> plsygroun<!s I>t a v&M sittcr. l*rger nuiuh@r of cWldrejß who ape&k very lnoorrectly so ths\t t!igH ,acqmre Tegr bad hahits qt 6peech, ,aad «a they an aiways h<»arlnjg wt wkihii. !t eowe to sem td th«u the propev Oili«. *H «1 e V 04 00i« to 4rUiis'gß4Ush {W- is neeO^| 2\L w>»o sj*ak i»«mvcfly, for ft*r of Wfc "tW »»:mM 7? J Jf r were *ft&dr»Wß. ihe aoiiounl af Snslkl> dr{ll for tV H g«5» r 4fx>at PeeulUn* beueftt to ihew. Th?r. « !1J S?_ *... — ""»yott*n t>t*i ao $oon ai fhey hare arrtred at the ™™* ** BRfii|fe, the l?nslts)H|peakins school wWld !*> open to t<M * jy«hts. \n KonoH^H school#, not Mity tn lSintUait, i>y{ in evety i>oKAvmiur jM