Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 84, 10 ʻApelila 1920 — The New Freedom [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The New Freedom

Hawa&k -€$aniM% wt»idi % eoupk of for .##jm£ton, inetmctioa» : from tbe last Tue9&y, sad hae i3&ie<i a : etateniem setting loim liie 'tesulte o| it6 efforts while in Waahington. - Vt| t ; ??V a M«& ; conclusion to p6ny& h ip^iiferj, :jcifceiy are now a vioi|yB, §9wardly ' a»^" hauded &ttempt ofc #ie i|it«cis"fe to, rob ōf the righfe aow pos6ēs» cy>w to hohif£tea<J ishe land6 of thig t4oitay, - L' -Q»t ui »11. of eW«Ss, elei Ceiigress is going ib &tke of %is tB& neek imd shove- repugnant &nd utteriy und(Sir»bio iesyiatio|i o\&; throats.„ , „ . T..., ,) .'"' v '. ?*' The biU propoBp to Um wōr%iess la&Cto U t ixrder to provide son& sort "of an excnse for!etfi|ig the Eons keep the highiy eu]tivsted eane %&<s£ an<ilo §U«CCft pTo* tests fit)in ihe Hawaiiaii people, - '^ r : v \ v . " The bill, if iato tik t jfcke ef is|āt cahism and citizt3iship ia Hawah, one rell stroke i(ffl hoinjsrteadmg. ' ' , r ; " j^' } ~ - •- * JLlie biil 3 in substancc, wiH rpbHhe;Bawaiiaji to the fine eane lands of tfie^rfn'itoQr } &Qd Uie roSr have 90 carri&d out )&y ttie wht> who &i©b|hem for th© jpsxs; the wlio out io |he o»e %a" #edUi s aiittiversftrj' of J3i|t $fcbeqr. J " * - v It is of the in all this Biiperlieated viljtai/iy, the who is m*kily responsibfe for teyiag to ]>ut thr&igi 9stesg&m pieee oI ia pei so-ealled Delegate, Kphio; a mae who hae everia43»isy bleftted &ū Cho stump that hejs $m '$&&,#£ the homesteader, hait who «ow eōines out in his trli|jht and revfeaJs himself i» his true cliamfter as a traitdr to pw4 ;pedp|4 ~ , . . * , The Commis6Bō|i faSvty plaeea Ihe blame for the bi!i aow before CongresB up(M| Iphio'a shouiders, and there em fee doubt th»t t|ie m right in doxng so. i ,' utter fatlagy',o|;Kiihip'f • position and the outstanding hw as |mtor to hi§ own people is this: that« w had been sinfere% h%efforte for the <f rehabihtation" jbe would, imve in«sted th&t the , £towaiian people, %k own people, get &fiaē eane land& iriBtead getting worthiese^^else wanfe: land which *m* not even, whieh tbo biil genemusly proposes t - f . ': - - . f will the liwaiiaii people think of these men, Kuhio and W% |t p preKrve the rights, of the peopīe of their owo siid who, if wiey had been doing itheir ditty. (»r4«cientiūusly, wouid s when confrdhted with aueh a iiionQ^#I 0p^oB '-CT- i heil ' B*** in the face of the s%ār-Mua<£ted coihMttee on territories and told them "It ehall T:- • . \ £ -'^ d hAV6. tojd the th*t the £IRST i that weie eaiit!e4 to the BĒST LANDS o£ the Territory; and Mr. Lane and Mr. Curry, who wer4 ,so'tetrib|y airjriaus as to where the f|inds #ec§, to s come from tp hnanee the rehabilitation propoßition, should hāve had a gentle |hat s enorniQiis sujjp of money are aow lying in farm loan of th§ Upited Sta.tes treasuiyrf4d thi;l»ueh funde imght be had bo help the Hawaālan if oniy Curry aad Laiie would paee dn the word to Congr©br t" , "■ s But no; thftt ;Would not suit t|ie plantatioh in? ip«6te. ' Such action would%oii'the plans,|f earefuUy hatched qvX by the ownJng our leaBed > in fact, disrupt 'tlie plot so nicely laid Wftshihngt»a and in the Stengenwald Busding[ and so faithfuliy earried out so far by the jdantatioii Kuhio an^Wiae. It seein& deliberately pass such a bill aa the bā| pennitiing. an expression of more esracia!ly as sueh leg^flpk>n' w»usi bg, &bsolutely opposed .tQ the expressed wishes oi wflo.gsi body. This mbnste)us, iniquitous and utteī4y bili ,mugt be fo.ught to a and the people to fight it hardest sho«ld b v e the people themselves. . 1 ■< "■. • - pf. & S> is,a d6etor/but } 30.far p political. $V the abUity to si£t the f*m the wheat y ooor&udpntof H $&eAn (a» ? .^ s gu|'e] r W!feon and me Democratic and ofmahce aforethou^it P llll " 1 /. lt ¥ Wm or the pem<%tffatk part>; hāve dOne ,anything to pem>nally, whieh Ūct t is a theX>e«io~ crats the more, f I)r. ht£issue pfthe moraing orgaft roasts to a fimsh the m§»it«,President, but,. enough ; all the, of.a beksUbie nature ; W^up U'd °l U) ° Ur " ug, inQluding, wesuppoBe, 'Pre&ideiit P^»,Wtd ?veu Dr, Goodhupi dgal of,£ood m most of us, inciuduig aIso„ DeniL>erats—and^ hue. Vet» &t&ngply £he doQtor in his fa^J eyf 11 of DemoGratic go°4, qr (^|oo4 if passed by the Demo|«»tSc you do not mean|fcj Ju4 thiak pffwhi|h% &?$% o* ours would \*m }& the wai' we had hadiio f&i«cal j , egm'e bankipg §ystem ; aad had o| the WaU miaey- gh^rks, iugt thhik $9J&BK t m $mm, that would

sp^^;^' of Mrf arti|le !V^H^^H tioo4By, ke $psw«a: |oUowiag extract l frera ,a wiittea Bayes,.for mfby yea|g j% editor pi the now Wd up Vitlk ttjberculoa»i t wy*i #od o<r &jpj! the w»y; t%&^||j[^^H ab&a%a 4t uw -#m» e^^lH^H wbGimt F<*i*Ul |hr« y<Mir ttsfwierBjutt «as Kktßp»« o&maĒĒ^^M y#e» *M|* f^kM'lxr'tte's?«t4|' tp 4« isa't jnerely tiiat we Jo?lrnrahBtB must prostitute ottr anHwer to tba e«li of tfaat iaexorabie |jfraatj oar wJUcr i<%* *M §w,eacB tor a wage teraea« o£ oiir portlon ie ibls preclBely: that we are iot lt is td%iU t6e f.Waga we iove ciOst. To kill e6« 'huk suujd-up tfaem artiuUy, *»w* eome to kp,6w m«fge» *ltU w6<s*,l iuui U> were the p»wna wlUi wl&h 1 aiust ie*m U» play Oie £ōr instanō«, eiuaig kt my »ditprial d««k, juet Jttow couid 801l wllh a acare-liiie oa < poljtse *c&jUi&L I oa the street tbe aitliy detalis aome mairi«d & lure to buy. .. . lt w&is my tragedy, as it 13 ot wy {eiiows, tljat tfais Jtnowledge, acquired. always at oae i«e'» wm be »88d wt fpr tii© >it #>u? traoa& > rq»orteft wrote. «ow*B«k „tb%- wer* o3|^H Iny M£e, aa Ui thg Uyes o£ tlie re»t of iay arßfett"tiaa^^B #&s tor tve ttoxight by tbe •alieg©d to 0t« pseudo trutbs whieh W stand fortb ia ail ttiBir gaunt »ham«leesa«sB £or i&e were. Do you rem«Hiber Harwood, o? tbs "LO3 «ere euiy you no* 1 coold point out to you i» th«ul£«^^| #t liea, a few tfHtiiß %bout tbingB, peering covertiy mpaoii, aad k*mi&g almb«t to t»ioltUag tbeir' fi«ut«ti^^j^B £L«w w u«ed to wben, h% wooiid eucc6e4 ia a wo£ oyer tbe e<titOr*t i>wr^H tHat# *ere! „ V ' . oaeoitip e®Kts w&ieīi'ipi^ He is u tbofpugWy fln« lwt 1 h&4 a» uitriH»iisery«tit%, ; » , TbC™wll^H Ri»eia. iM»d to m* yt|«sr «c^bāi|^|^rM^iite telcl «e tbat di4b%.beiie*%» «ora of > |he di^NNNffl^H Msoctoted wy iaaid dubiow4y. "i whirt| wa," he BpecUve, a»4 j. iojtoy eeoa&pii dd|H ioiwiiimei my thotj«htB are ēi hittw that l'm <gfald a ojaa seut to J*il f<jr W«»ty day B ," h* coj«ittued, balf •& hour, aad his oaly *r«f %at he' couJ4a*t he had fun <Hit of mojwiy. he *#id, $#m* Hr I mlM* &©%-, w& 1 &m or *tis vrt£e ig dyia« of tubercu!o&is l «md h» of hiaj ,6n«iciar troublefi. ' ljpraa just auother f»arsali#|fc tri«edy I m «I l ilstened to dag? A««aasāiatida i4;WW«h &ey si<m» are gpeat Their falth in thfeold 4a «siK r <il«|H MM&umi m % &**« M .. — fplM rt Aft«r SoeūOiss j£©eted. fW*j*idpfe tkeir re%iofi or e vfenthecsQjj»(f their hair.. sboidd l%^ t tor j* *yi9^H feeen given t%ik tp itj>y th#icpM|^l And so th^ : S| i]Bfased the jvomeß vote, by 2p to 9, . ligHH tled hM'jn«3|H The women <feieply a wb.ole lot to tbiy^^B| W.W -WP Wap si^wß as iiie wompu %11 know, and;sufraft Keadway wM©Jhe R%uUi«ans we ia conūx>l ia^| "Even here t&s| segsion k wiOi ihe our Repufoiifiaa an^.W aii6 wKblesaJe y«la Hie women, Gbd ao get fting to GK>oked, 5 Juat i9 do it ; when the tijnae ' - V V the New »ext be§t tsdng tibe d%> : 'īi - - 1M