Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 83, 3 April 1920 — The New Freedom [ARTICLE]

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The New Freedom

t v " -4' ■ 1 " -• t_ ~ l&yievism , i& tlio i<iBt man iu v wo«M »u§peet o{ having liev. Dr. papbr of ehupeli, JBolslievisUc tenaeucift., Hi§ reco§d j{u Cmtrāl .Unioa apj>eaxs, so fax as ean be, teaxj|e(l, to a roeyrd of preachiiig in £avor of things as they ar% ap4 hīa«e i>eeu, not as they snould be. And Dr. s record 13 a> quite eommoa oue m thisrespect,b4au|®ffiostpen)pie in thepo«tion of i*eligiovra or secular iiistrtictoi's find it so foßow thp iine of ieaf» ra**sfc&nce 1 or j>rej»nt dig &Jjpjpruftuble trom Uie ataidpomf,ot merp vra& or egfriy. qw &. |©liar arOuiid,lit|| ai&k he bas ici,Xe & gepT 4fg, elae h$ wiil he uncwex»on|ou% out_of 400r5 4 be uepriyed |>f that filled plate whij& & such au -mi-lispeiisable part of exigteuce, «ven fur ppeftdiers. <« And yet, Dr, Seudder avw hlossoms forth aa an apologist forf Wd an adi»ic§t of, W,oactesi wiH never cease. Tirtie, it has laken Lhe doctbr pretty ne&r two yearb lo make up his mmd to take the awfut $tep, because it must be about two vears since he returned here £fter |iaviijg toured &beria. And th| facts aboutCthe Bplsheyi|a .$§ he nnt.|i m the current nuinber of l'he Friend iuust hwe bem" k*wwn to Dr. Scudder during ali that tugae. Afld jāftpe..c©BWBg ii&e about two years ago, altnoUgh he has W ample opportunity both in tiie press and puipu, he has kept ; to himeeīl aU these remarkabie facts ahout Bolshevism aud iSoyiet whieh he oow roakes puhlie. / v r ~, j Ilie question will pre&ent itself, why did Dr Scūdder keep fiurmg ail this. t4me? . even in face of the fact that the peoplo of Hawaii were being handed out the most colossal anel impii<fent untruthl about conditions in Rusēla? How co\jdd he be eaifcfied to remain silent in faee of the AyeJa6cfee of lies and about Ru§siau matters published in the loeal Scudder's sileace sinee coming here from Siberia upon these vital mattere iaay be perfectly justifiaWe to Dr Scuddet, S rest of m siiehce will,§ppeai a« the timepyāg variety and utter)y mexcusabie. There ean be no doubt, h<w#er, that the in "Pie Friend of ti\e genti|ente to whieh he gives expressiyji calculated, to mueh of the unwarranted pre|udice against the Bolshef idi - been so consistently and built up by the [pess. 'N-

J ter outiining eoaditk>ns iii Russia during the Kolehak Dr - Scudder says that a£ter Kokhak's laU. thej» was no do«bt »f the mcreasing power io£ the Bolsiieviki. (naturaliy!) -day they practicaiiy do«miate.ali of what was onee the u Riig@u& empire. ? 9 accorded to Soviet Rugsia throughout tbfe i2kiglt3h-speaking wor!d is amply suirußai'ie2ed in a quofiy r * Scudder iwm an article by Mr. "Prico corthe Maochester Guardiaii, aff ioiiowa: have £ac« every daj\ TelegramB to my newepaper Paaaed by m BriUsb are decat>itated, »o lhat 00 960K # W;il|C << qntai pujir comiOßiuc«nvii rs ot.oitfu, ytuiuu4Uf«-r^nī>'' &»abou happening bere are„£pread iu London &nd au4 my o ®ay theia are frmitntted. All tbe UeHnieal apparatūs of «ae of \V'es«j|rfl. ii;ut'i?pe ta moiim ag?inet tii<we whose 4ttty tt j U> tell tbe ruth ahoat tbe koaaian revoluUoa $nd to coavey u» tbe WBBftbe ery o£ t,b« .Ewaiaa j»eople £or help , Dr. i3udder poatmues; It ii noi pleasstQt U> tJmt ODe's judgna«Qts ainee the Boouper of 1917 eoi emiDg Ae awful social Btraggle in H«s»ia hare been baaed upon tnierepr ientaUon"ol iact£. An Aateri<an, whoee ancestorB fought and died in the ; volutioaa.ry war both to 'j»reserYe the lib«irtjee woa tiirou6h eenturiee o earUer gtru«gieiāid to gūarantee to luture generatlpas atm gieater freedon is humiUated to think tb«t two yearß his syxupathie9 have be«n against v)wt may prove one of the £jeatest moYements for popuiar righs and lar er life recorded ia history. . : g « . 0j the vipiouB lies circslated in America about the nationof . women, Dr. Scudder;sayp: : Wanm i§ comp,letely enmnciM,ted in Soviet Euiaeia. $iie must worfc ae well ag her husband. The stale eaualiaea physical d|fferences by suppdrtin/ her before, during an^, cWldbirt6s through $h£' monthe of apeeial need. If desired, tbe |tate eare of the cbl!4ren. illegltimacy lp impossible, every babfe iB, alT"God intended, legitimate v Marriage «tay bf disi»lyed by either w«»an or man, at wUI. ? Only jWgher sanpUons it aoelal and are le£t j:uard sanctity of the Camilji aad to these the strte lends j»I1 tbe whieh it feels they require. No weU-informed today beUe?ea in the of the natfoofilization of women by Soviet Jlusgia. The story of viadivostok is typical. When the Bolsheyiki were eypreme tfeer* they furnisbed ali the prosututee with resnunerative woj%, and comxnercialized rice practically dlßappeared, soon as tbe a3iie§ backed np the jppuftter revolution, there the women deprived. of sotfport flocited back to the busine«B, - } In conclusiqn Dr. Scuddef suins up the situatioa as foliōws; f jh?h«rejseems Jo jn§fa b«tter, au Amenean road tfae ©reat termtyu# of i bon& fide huinan fatni!y. niaaaeE have (.he ballos. hfre and we ean iexperiment step by step with iess friction and BUjgr results tbsn Russia iWith her catacly6i»ic m<sthode. In our tountry capital now has iis crowning |opporQuūty to it fails t& lbe res of us ean and doubtlese wiil with greater speed because of the Russian tread the path wiose ensi la a brotherly ; It would; be a. niighty fine if 'a copy of Dr. Seudd«r's article could eveiy Ēnglish speaking home in Honolulu and the Hawaiian Islands.; It is propaganda of the sort that js verj' mueh needed right nw. . . Reactionaiy Repres®atative Husted, of New York, member of the llouse Judiciary Gommittee, who was (jhe father (or was supposed to fce) of the thorouglily bad Husted Bill that \>as deservedly towa|4o ,t£e sfimewhat &in4lar Sterlī»g and Graliaia bills *iid the defoniiity fathered by Attorney General Palra£r, has recentlj' lntroduced what seems to be quUean ixusiocent JftUe bill |pparentl£ designetl to save tlie country. tt is a pe&ē'tiste kdltioīx ,wHich Judge Jatkson H. Ralston, of Washipigton, says "is as dangerous to fi-eedom |of speeqh ; atid press" as the bills proposed by Senator Sterlin, Pahxief.. Of Uie Bvery pereoain Āmerlca wfll be ?it the merty of what interprelaUon j^orm«r ( ps'osecut|iig attoi;nsiy 4 or jury may put upoa hia spokea «ords. thjt mw tlie end ol ©f iA has b«*n proven qy£ī and & ibous«id thousand in aili nati<|i» and «ges. x Js'or *re l*ibor unions safjp ftrom perg«<u. ~ T"

: &ae or not done ta »■ Mwr *tilke<wtt* Iwapselof wMCb K!i«» p(nrvr &t ti^M ntei>t Qt the trnit«J : |ftthi# ysar o| Iplaa Ajggp«uj OftgEg& yj a*jj9 ' suilar to Se repre&ive laws of GdOrge nl|H Ehgijisli peopte repudiat€d and repe6|ed ia i^i. League Has Needed SafcstJ| f*reeideiit Wilson's strong leiW o{ March # toSe&ijJß .eoek, in whidi he stands firm for t&e. <jf wjtkout nullijying ui-e i«rgely m the Presidential campaign thia yetv t Fmioisoo Star. The ietter, it is said, may r »|ifll lfflß reiuse to ratify the Peaee Xreaty, and the eilahlee wiil uadoubtedly aßgert, f 'The treaty wB&jg|E|H āon." After aU the misstatements and malicious lies tiiat have bom iii a»d apiuat and. the Treaty aud the pelj9 SK»rs lieS wōa t do any serious damage. I u There js no escapiug the moral obligatious %iic9 presaed iu positive terms," ui Artiele 10, aaya t|ie 19 Our morai vietory over Germany was grc«.t# 01 JB victoiyT The opinion $ the worid swung to the suppor3| rica an.d associated with us, WiisonM of our prol'ession ahd promise that we mnn 4 , '■ |ish "an orgārāzatum of peaee whieh Bhxndd make Ihe combmed power of jree natiom wouUi ūheek evertfM oj right s anh serve to make peaee ahd ju&tivp the rftore [ Ōffordmg a defm%te tribun<tf of opinwn to wfSh 01l mu (md by whieh, every internaiwnal readjmtrjnent that « amicably agreed upon by the directiy\concerned eanctioned." ' \ -- 'i - 4 . That promise and asssrah<2e, quot«dPreeident were written into the of theTl!uriaistiee ai peaee itself, and sacred oi evfr 2tssumed by any gr |»dy of aatioos/' It aione to other nations, jto the |fiat worid, that i thart pledge, but we n|ade it to our own OGt&SĒ& Uwe live up fo the «bligations of Artiele 10 t 'of whatvalue is % the piedge, of Aiiāele 107 . . , Nullifiers and irreconcilables havejbefuddted peopie by asserting the necessity the < tional methods to be employed in fujfpingjgur ohligatbc Article 10. No amoui>t of stipulatl©n Hpr| wo or secure for us any thing that is not already «mply seoi assured, for the as explained l*resident, was und€Hrstood as a mattK* of course at. that whatever obligations any governm^t or ■% duties it undertook under the Treaty would have to be by its umat and eBtablwhed constitutionQl TnethQds of That, of course, has been well known ver ning of the fight over the League of Natioijg J aasl notl s*upidity has dreanjed of anything else. Senafe&s jwiio pi tō beßSvel>therwise were merely—posing. 43lihG wea; quainted with our constitutional mftt,hnr% t "th gress alone ean declare war or determine the £ause. or p of war, and that it alone ean authorize ihe uee x>f ther xvi«» hi ine umx©cnbraTes on wui An" S to that effect is anobjectionable, but entkely useless for or even questioned. • nere-isnothing in the President's Mm% the « peiiahst wanls no League of Nationa">biit if the be <m$ Qresponsgtodemandsof themwmoftlisnatio* Ae īm enahst ; wants one suited to his oi wOI i nmt hun to continue the histork | people, the jugghng of provinces, Oie old balaac» of pow the inf itable wars attendant upon lJiese thinfl«. w An< ; the f*t osed r«ervations "would perpetuate thd orda adopt em and pretend t%at with them ihelwue of K " . kAoMwim oo ' jaii soon get y°ure, y°u eariy 3 IT •"«* yo» r ow» w W <m& y<m'w%ee B <reU feL ! b T° u 11 aooa be deported, you're a Rbod» T«'y) Eed 1 Wfinted —a Paisb ".; J īs gooa ' for t«he leadahave a political purpose ia their rec§at prediQtāo| finaoflpanicsand industrial depres&on, tobei than joincidence that they should peseijitie forebodmgs of calamity to aad ero«aally tbey luld voice those dotefuJ pmpheaos ia 'a» speeci tinctured with partisanship. « *. 1 .. ~T re were » audden a ōoUapse 0 f business,joth wideeDraad menti distres§> there niight be eoinei ixi"Ee Uean dces of success m the Presid«itial eteii«a Mjct auti The sltion now affords very little h<fp* $ot & i t0 in the ej£e&i&ve-br&nc^ §K|iment. Though prices are ture ma9 i tho~e is greatactivity ia eyery acd Mry; tte are teeming with,t6s peop&'a savi 6 a 00111111 uauce of theee p«serous < R4ican jeremiads ean hardly produce a psyt&oiogy w and dislocate busia§ss. Bepti&iitian st whether promise&or. prts&fes, »t a heavydia» u nt. !{, OsM> designed to elieek the oountiya pro»eitty opportunities at the eapenae of ihe nat mey refliit a kind and degree of unscrupuk>\asn®a aln without kdent even in the history of the Bepub&aa par Himiia^ 15 - Ū ? &t f illy liJ dustrial xs ih ** e hr ' B4lllo «»ljttuwu«Mnericaa eommerce and an i&ena&e of Aiaeii Im6pmt& the same bmath it be fmmtMm