Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 82, 27 Malaki 1920 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

DEHOCMTS,NQTICĒ! I ■ OFPlCIAL CAl,L " [FQli JS'O.MI>j r AJIOX ANl) £li:CXlON Oi\ALL PHECINtT t C1£B OFPICgJlc3, AXi> Oif im COL\NXY f .. AND TEREITgiiLVL QE TH£ \ CKATIC PARTY OF HA\YAIJ;. I - - .■ I ■" / • | aeelion 3 pf tbe rult3 of tlie Democratic party of IHawali, fts adopted May 13,19J4, provide& for the hieimial mximā ele£tion of all prmnct club offieers, a& well a§ county l«ad twltOrial committeemen aad specifically states (secuoii 3j !*** date iot holding such eleeUon from.time to time |b» fix«d by th$ Territorial Committee," md ' | ■ Whereas, section 8 of the party ruies piovides that on such biemualiy aa Uie Territurial Cywiuittee shall desiguate, of #UftU be jciveu by pubiicatioM iu thc Democratxc . aewspapers «i both tlie Ejiigli§h. aad laftguages, all for 4l.ciu|) oJfficers mi ,all o£ficial posiUons ahali ' ®^* on *^,i>rovide8. fqr. •. Uie and of T«fiitoria3 commltteemen; section 16 for the nominatiou aad e!eetion of delegates and alternātes to the National Convention; tod seetion 17 for the1&Qinijmtion and election of a National Co&niitteeinan; 1 ,- H&w, therefore, in accordance with instructions issued to j»e ai meeting of the. Democratic TerritoriaJ. Committee efH»waiL held , I,Weby, flt lie folk,wiog as the respective d$tes upon whiehh the and.eiectiftn oi tāe various officia«ls as above for take ptoc$: -. Nomination for all offices ppen Apnl ;Q # 1920. Nominations for all offices Saturday, May 1 1920 at the hoifr of S pjn.' J Ekebioa to take plaee Saturday, May 22, 1920, beginning ihe hour of 5 o'eloek p.m., and closing at the hour ōf 8,30 o'eioek p*m. £&ig of nomiu&ha papeia and eIection wiH be teld in the respective precincts thro|,ighout the group at euitable places to be by Jhe officials of. the precmot clubs md v , . / s f i , 4 . fimnedlatefy after ithe eloae oif eleeUon May 22 4 tjiē judges ōf 4!Sction shall tabulate tihe votes cast for eaeh persoo yoted for «od ecstify tfie result in writing addressed to the upde£sigiied. It is eamestly dfeeirēd that the fuH«at po®ib.le participation be had ix» && electi«i by the members of the party ia aii preoincte. To ;that end precinct officers are urged to eall meetiugs of their clubs and arrange for the names of the earlie$t an4«.to personally stimulate inte*est in the elē<5tion ainong ti\e members o^iheū 1 respctive I»eemcts. #i Nomination papers must be accompanied by the necessary whieh are as fol!ows: . ' " | of precinci cub, judges of eieeUon, of member of county cominittee&, $1. 1 ' ' * For Territorial eommiUee, $2. ■'■■■ For deiegates or alternates to the Nation§d Converiti.on, $10. ( Above|ees to be paid to the secretajy v of each 5 cquftty qommxttee. ■ i ~' 1 Por Territorial Committeeipft£, |2§, & be pai(J. 'to- Uit secretary of the Territorial Committee. f -* ' >*'■=. - ' _ I i Cqm-