Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 37, 4 ʻOkakopa 1919 — The New Freedom Strike Settled! Textof New Agreement Under Which Men Will Return to Work [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The New Freedom

Strike Settled!

Textof New Agreement Under Which Men Will Return to Work

Following is Iho text of the new agrēcmpnt entcrcd into by the emp]oy€TS rniplnycs pf themx?tal trades of Honolulu, afid whieli was compiete<! at a con%rcnr<?lielā ioday CFriday) āt o|Hce ©£ liiuūigrati()n InspecU>r<Halsoy: WORKING CONDĪTIONS: ' . . - • - Sectioii - . SHOP COMMITTEES: The employees of eaeh craft in the shop ēhall have the right to elect three oT thcir nūnaber to: reprefeent them as members of a Shop Committee. īf poi?sible, eaeh mernber of this committēe must have been in our employ--ment at least six months and &hall lse eleeted fot a period of srx" ; Members of outgoing Shop Committees are eligiblfe for - '* ' f . The.ciiairman of eaeh Shop Committee shall be a member of the Joint Shop Committee. The Joint Shop Committee shall oomtet of five members and sh.all act as an executive c,ōmmittee torepresent the employees in. conferencs with the superintendent higher officials of the company in matters pertaining to more o»e Uepartment. 4-- * a , r Sectipft 2. . . - GRiJKVAN(Jfi&: When agrievance it shall be taken up by ths Craft (Jommittee with or general foreman. Jfoilmg,*«i adjustment, the Craft Committec may take it up with a the. &upefintendent and then faiHng a settlement j \vith higher pfficials of the company. If the grievance concerns more than "one craft ; it shall be handled % the Joint Comrnittee, first with fche superintendent ; and then failing an adjustment with higher of the company., ' ■ īn conference with the higher o!fficials, t!ie Joint Shop Comimttee aad company sha!l have the right to eaU io the assistance of a repreeentative chosen by,the cpi)imittee and the company. Bectk>n 3. * DIS£RIMINATIONj Any man, who shall be found to iiave beeu discharged sufficient cause, shall b.e jreijistatQd after due investigatjpn in the manner herein provided for. • Thg employer agrees hot to_4jscriminate agaiust any man who part" in the gtri% *and expects. that »0 disWimmatipn shall be show'nl)y the men returning to'woirk against those wKo are now at workj or"aga!mst any union or non-union em"pToyee, and aifly sUch di6crlmlnation be considered just cause for disch4rge. Such' discharge, however, shall npt take eflfect until after' due investigatioti in tKe m"anner hereiii pr6vided for in the adjustment of grievances. i- M g^j on 4 PAY D^Y; Employees shall be paid weekly, unless otherwise agreed to iy the Joint Shojp Committee, Pay to bē di&tributed in em*ployer's time and not more than one week's pay to be"held ba«t āt r time. , Section 5. - ĪINAL PAyMEJ£ij:,. Any epiployee iaid off, dischargea/ ot quitting of his own shall „be paid as ~promptly as pos,sible. īn my event $1 wages and moneys due him sljall be paid within twenty-four h6urs. MEDICAL ,Fl|i3T. AID: , £mploy§r shalj provicte promptly, competent t firs£, aid for eroployees. - <. ■ , &piao» 7. :TOILET AND DRINKINQ WATE(R: Employers are to their £isployees adequate sanitai'y Joilfts "and washinjg facilitWaiid pure drinking prop^yTco.<^(. A : ... .. WOitKINjGr HOUSS: . ,hours will ooostifute 9, day's work, aad e&aU. be> w.o|;k,ed . the hours of 7 A.M. and 5 P.M., ,#en ),t- sha|l be fquriipurs. Night men shall /eceive mne fpx eight hours' work. ' Hr WAGE£:..M$ji ,willa>aid,at the ratc of pay wheii w,en| o\it 011 the §rike. Thp eompani reserves the t jriglit. granted for extended §ervic£. V- • ~ , ' ; . . : seKt;o s io. ;; , . .. Ai}*t}n>§ jy,ofJieJ in exces>. g.f «sJ»t hours be fqr ,411 tiuie in excess oOoup |San be for at the mU of double v If Hvofk LAJ\L, such ikne shall bo paia for at the above prescr!bed rate as fsom 1 A.M. tc 7 A.M., 110 matter what the actual time \\orked betweeii. 1 A.M and 7 A.M. shall be, that is # it shatl be paid for as twelve hoijr: (6 tifnes 2)V tf work* is"continued after, 7 AJ\L double timt stree|' ahall b( provided trsns|torfation home. ~ ~ 11. . OUTsA^ ( W _shal\ be §Howed foi eight work. $Jserei£ht W |o\ir Upurs work will W paia Tor as lriiriehours: If work is eontinuect aftei 1 A.M., such time shallbe paid for,at\he above overtmie rate, ai froito 1 A.M; lo A.M,; no matter jti&at the actual timo māy be that is any time work lblwefeu LAHM and 7 A. M. shall be pak for as thirteen and oos-hatf houra. (that is, 4. hours equals on< day of nine fiours, §0 $«kt sjx equa|§ t4ur|eon aiid one-lialf hours) If wurk is ooiitinued" ( after 7 A.M, cjiouble time will be allowed ai tke above l . _ .... ... On jobs out§ii of Hoiiolulu ; wlūēi necsssit4tcs traveliug time will be from the time of departure from the slio|: | unlil the FQturu to the sliop. Twelve hours' pay aliall lx

All craftsmen shall be farmAea witfe aKop side work wherever pract'cable, j^H . . <; S«|ioia42.. TRAVĒLING EXPENsIs:' Mm }e»via(j HmoiuiVon ot9 s!(le joljB ehall "havē tr&vsing expet\oh &Ī3 fcoard ahd paid. All trai)sportations and accommodations ahall be Seotion 13- ' \tft#ītfiSHED WOkK: %oilenna£ere and mftchiniß c£ilied tb 'eomplele worV started by others £haii &eir assoQiate craftsmen, shall be pakl at the rate of double time. I , Note: Sectign 13 to be adjusted a{ter work is resumgd, Section 14. . „ * CALLED AND NOT ÜBED: Any men called_to work af regiilar shop Roūr# sh&ll rfeceive not less thcii four . S»stion t5. * ~ ... , APPIIE>"TICĒS: th<Tsame apprentices employed*whoH the strike began aliall be returried to worfc. ■ -i— -• %i-y»-rr'% m- " CONTRACT MEN: Contraet # employmen|H at S&n Prancisco or plaee on the mainlahd are to have thcijH tranaportatiōn and wagē« paid while on route, with the retumH tfare to be paid ftt the expiration of .Uieii* contract» )• ; Beetion 11, '... . 1H i LIFE OP AGREEMENT: These rules are to remain iil l«fiect until new rules have been adopted and signed. In ieither party desires a change, tney shall give sixty (60) day?H lnotice in writing. - j9