Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 33, 5 September 1919 — Muzzling the Press [ARTICLE]

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Muzzling the Press

- It will be a matter for the greatest regret if Postmaster Mc- ! Aoam perinits himself to be made a catspaw of by the loeal eapitaHst and p|aiitation class, speaking through their moniing origaa, ia an effort to terrify and intiinidate the vernacular press of Honolulii m, the. di£cussion ofiabor matters, We do not kaow whether been demancled,of all ariicles appeai:- , Jng m the # press; but we have been infprmed that tho o|j, JJBpmo labor paper about to be pubhshed, upon mftfujs r6quest for postal privileges, were informed "that such could aolJ& granted until a translation of eaeh issue waa furnished thfe lpcaljpo&tal authori|ries. •. r Xt < Act is atiU in force, £ . *' e £ fc Germany, and that the Espionage Wi be t° upon any or no. excj4BfcW all ii must be that the provisions in the Espionage ■Acfc dealing 'with pliblications in tlie vernacular were passed to guard agaiiiBt iß3Utary fhformation of value being giving to the *wmy ort&3 pUblication of disloyal propaganda. Surely it never was the mte,ntion of the authors oi the Espionage Act to make that measurf a club to kill off the <fiiscussion of legitimate labor grievances, or tq make it difficyit ?r impossible to di§cuss such There ia no suggeetioa tliat ths vernacular press hei-e is dis%al; the ]that the employers think those pa~ pen* are tl\e laborer§ t<? better wsges, and while 1 OM jt » P*»atoinOftere «taiujy * 4fiMelve6 fiaauup, tiie plantatioK|s wanfto know what is bemg said le . suggestion is made that: Wl 1 ?- &^ 10n V work - Y* edo not be-' ueve that Mr. MeAaam is Uiat aort of a gentleman; if anyl translatioBs lare fr6m ' the laiiguage press, he should let! the plantatidhs do the translating at their own expehse. and if' anything disloyal or uti-|fttterican is fōund, we will be tlie first to 1 wrge suitable pumshme« to the mfclefactors. | To *ppiy the Bspisiage Act to protect employers against ; w#«e demaads o| their employees is class distmction of the rankappli&m woul# create a status never for a th%t measye,- X d