Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 29, 8 August 1919 — The New [Illegible] [ARTICLE]
The New [Illegible]
twfmty && iforat to fo unexafi£ojte& mm of » a^j^H doubtedly cut <***• dcpal^H , ; As to, a i|^| ber of $300 e^H unjpiUleted stractHia aad raaSftfenauee such & to-eSwt. He &'sh rishi #lm, &n JH v. • - . 1 the Democratic eity a4mihistratiojL m$ ficiajs, if they are at m/ do|#& their dudH Deinocratic party anei to matter o^H : age, need poiiBidtef for only Qperatioo|H 1915 Board oi SupervĪ6ors. 1 are stiii in we muit, th|t-Wey are licans at heart ; or creitureo ;6! |ike th&B Tom cat, : ; * .. &r $&s££&• * - JH When fehe 1915 offiee, eveq^| ocrat, from the highest o|lloi|i t<>:^i|^^^it 7 and most|H jaaitor in the city% aiid|H iieaa workers pf#4k, $oi conl|H they almost two jc4>s gtofr Aa a ffsailt, it has «6st about # to -9 city dtcdng the,past four ucder the UeōH aclrniaijßtratioji. _ ' |H reasonabie person, of dkplace a>9 tent KepuUiean : to make way for DersH ooly Kepuhlieaii» dtf"th«fc sort of tfciing,, aa 'evidencedjH • aetions,of our Supervis©rs>" «>mpeteuiH CTftt is ayaiiabie, ānd he is eqd«^sj££^ commfl does ueepa as il the faH Democratic officials; iust aa aaH played during the past fmry&& H It reaHy does pepa, of H wouM sēpaiate those tsoxd th@jH The mju»ctk>n just issued eH graee t? ihe hēre&ved ; people &» wiiiihg to rua thie risk of f or n JB at aB, inorder to aerve tho eity/ self-re6peetremaimng m their refuse tH for-a raoment under any head;H the dty «an secure their the piH of for it (via the would bS stroke -©f businee6, aud eome degH iwa? p&pen&K iiie - • .9 A ChicagoTrii3une ago declaiJ that while the worid war_WBs ; j& and wer& carrying on negotiations and th Jfl negotiations were sUli imder bef« anaistice was &igned. . _* ~ 9 Thie dispateh gave the tej^iJ alliaeee, fl whieh Japan aati G&mmf div« China"and other portiona. oi Aaa^aiM.jflwafeī% **hanrh ra9 On July 8 &L*. thel requestiog iuformj|tion from thfl tēnce of this aUiaoee. Oa 3cdy of» tou«»t it had b3 Japan and Gennany. Ori July K. McCx>« one of the editors m& tes* under oath in the Henrv the TM w UU Ctemene, Mieh,, a sej| he leariied this while' a_mw^r^^p^^ ; |ta^i'^3 , - L. 1 Aetion towards Ol di£gorsl WP«Aate of the su3 611 k y the £s foreeast® I eommumeauou to the Fublie M Deputy Liglitfook This ig the k mtwiā best ne\v§ vre have hadloeaHy inaloag tte. /. ■j| H&iaa i» iaai ana ka puana. Jft>sa& I apa o toia j Km ui hauu ala oka Hinaao, pūili aloia aaaa feua, oko m O >aaāi kanal 1 ka p&n ana ibo o ka ihalalu o kai T| Kahuku - 1 kana kalea aua, ua ; tfa iiuK Iwi mst kno keij pmh iiio Ia laua me ko lfjt& ks|fi ao. aua i h«ie mai &i, iv.o M nwu eo oka hoaiok&lolui me ka «we mi fiMU! a ao aae © kUunoe aua, mama* o koa* ha*k>h $ai* \o m W*mo»*.i&a keia hxx&ki huH a h«U hai aku fco Kakaku. ' " a mfeL oia U» A ho k i & u kaMte? * W o Mi ia 1 »I»mumk m" 1