Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 16, 25 April 1919 — TERRITORY OF HAWAII [ARTICLE]

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Tieasurej's Office, Honolulu, OuUu In re dissoiutiou of tiie Houokaa Wiue & Liquor Compauy, Liiuiieu. Wiiereas, tlie Hoookaa Wiue & Liqaor Co.mpauy t Liruited, a corporatiou eaiabii»iied aud exiatmg uuder aud virtue of the law» of ilie 0 i Hawaii, haa pursuam to iaw in such eaaea iuade aud pj'ovided, duly filed m īilii office a peuuon for the dissolutio Q tlie »aid corporatiou, a L.urtiiicat« thereto auueied as ic:quiied by law. Novy, tiierefore, notice ia hereby a!iy and all per6oca that hav<2 heen ot are uow iuWreated iii 1111 f wiiatsocver .i 0 the e*id cgrpor.atioii, thut objectioas to diei granhiig of the said petitiou muati jbe hicd ii! thU offiet! on or ]>eforc; jl2 o eloek noon of Apnl 7th, '«»»1 that uuj penou or peraons de-, si' t»g to be heurd thoreou muat b© : | ' n atteiidauee at tke office of the| in >t lie .Riuld;.u& Iloiioluiu, ai 12 o'eioek 6aid day, to show cause, if | a "iV iaid petitiou shouid fiot jHe grantpd. | Tmsurer. Te*ritory of īīawaik Hoiiiiiulii, >cr,!tier | I »ELBEKT E, METZtiEn k j