Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 15, 18 April 1919 — TERRITORY OF HAWAII [ARTICLE]
Tre*mrer J 8 Office, Monolulu, Oahu In re <iißsolution of the Houokaa Wim k Liquor Oompaay, Limiteu. r WhereaB, the Honokaa Wine & Liquor Companj, Liimted, a eorporation e3tablislied and existiiig under and by virtue of the kws of the Territory 0 f Hawaii, has pur--Buant to kw in aueh eaaea made and provided, duly &ied in thja ofa peūtion for , the diflBoiutiop of the said corporation, together wnh a wi tificate thereto annexed aa re(juired by iaw.,
ti»erefore, o o tice is hereby givea to auy aad ali persons tliat ;have beeo or are now interested in auy taaaaer wJbatsoever ia the said corporation, tkat objectiona to the graiitmg of tke said petitiou muat be tiled in thia office 011 12 o eloek iioou o£ April 7th, 1919, aud that aiiy person or persoua desirūig to be heard thereon must be ia attendauee at the office of the iu tue Executive Buildiug, Honolulu, at 12 o ? cloek nooif of aaid day, to show cause, if a«y, why said petitipn should uot be granted. Treasurer, Terrftory o'f Hawaii. i.K*rober _ou, lyj.6, delbert e. metzgek,