Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 10, 14 Malaki 1919 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
teīīi:ttoky of hawaii ;Ti-pasnrcr's Office, Honolulu, Oaliu ( id i!i.->.-«»!utiuii t,i tlie Ilonok:*a Wiiie :& Liqnor Company, Liinitcu. "Whereas f the Honokaa Wine & Liq«or Company, Liimted, a eor|)oration established and existiiig tibder and by virtue of tbe laws of 'I oj-rifory of Ilawaii, lih« j>us'- ! 10 ' av - "I- sucli (-a.%s niadc }nnd Q|-ovided, duly filed in tljis of-| rficc a prtifioti for tlie dissolutionj I"f ild> said cor])o.ration, togclh.L-r! with a thereto awiexid! i;:s rc!f|.::rod l»y law. | I Now, therof'ore ; uotice is herebyl |ffivfin lo any and nll +li;:^' iīuil LLLU ui' uiu iiuw iult'iealed. īn any niaiiner whatsoever iu the said corporation, that objec-tious to tho i i. īii; ~f ;nL' saij pf(ition mu>t I ■«' liiiul in thi* ut rivc <iu or bcforo }12 o'eloek noon of April 7th. 1010. Jai«i that any j>ei-sun or pereous do aiīißg to be heard s thereou must be jiu at tue of<iec oi' the midersigned, in tlu; Exeeutive Buildii\g, lionolulu, at 12 o'eioek jnoon of aaid day, to ?liow ea«se,'if |ai:y, v],y pctitK'i; should ( ..»i |be-grant«d. DKLBKKI K. AIETZC.KIi, IVrriturv of TTm\v ; m\ Honolulu, Oetol>cr UO, 1018. lferbert N. Ahuna HE ANA AINA N0 KA LEHUUaU Ue Keiki llawaii i Uaa ka Maknuhni mn Knna Oihana no ka | ana i na Kauoha me ko Itiu he Olwolu ke Kuka ana. |K Loaa Kona Kwna Oihana ka i*. Aic*.kndiess Blo<-k, m s ke Alaj*ui Jv uuiuu *mo Paualu, Hu* m i u k» Huk* Kkoiu Maluna. . .hiijr 3i, 'JiB. K C •