Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 9, 8 Malaki 1919 — TERRITORY OF HAWAII [ARTICLE]
TreaBurer's Offiee, liouoluiu, Oaiiu In re dissolution of tlio Iloiiokaa Wine & Liquor Company, Limiteu. Whereas, tlio Honokaa Wine & liqxtor Compauy, Limited, & Corporation csiablifilied aud under aud by virtue of the lawa of lhc lerritory o£ Hawaii, has pursuant to law in aueh eaaea made aud proTided, duly filed iu this ofa petition £or the diaaolution; oi the aaid eorporation, together wāh a certificate thereto anuexed m required by iaw. Now, therefore, notice ia hereby given to any and all peraon» that have been or are uow intereated iu any manuer whataocYer in the aaid corporktioa, that objiH:tioua to Uiq gra«ting of the said petitiou must be filed ia tliis offioe on or before *2 o'eloek noou oi Aprii 7th, 1919 aiul that auv pC isgn or persons desiring to be ht-ard ihereon must ia*fttt6iidance at the office of the tmderaigned, in the Esucutive Buildin S , Houolulu, at 12 o'eiaek uoon ot »*id day, to sho\v causo, if any, why said petitiou should not be g«mted. £>£LB£RT E. METZGEk, Tro«sim*r, Torritory of Uaxvau. fiwiolulu, Octobw 50, 18i§,