Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 8, 28 February 1919 — TERRITORY OF HAWAII [ARTICLE]

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Treaaurer's Office, Honolulu, Oaliu la re diasolution of the Honokaa W'wa k. I4quor (Jompany, Limiteu.l Whereas, the Honokaa Wine & liquor Oompaay, a Mī . poration establisLed and under and by .virtue of the lawa of the Territory of Hawaii, iuu pur--Buant to. law in eueh eaaea "?nd Q aud provided, dulj filed ia thia office a petitioa for tiie of tbo said corporation, togetker with a certificate th.ereto aimexed as required by law. Xow, tberefore, notice is hereby given to any and all persona tbat have been or are now mterested. ia any xnanner wbatsoever ia the aaid corporation, tliat objections to tbe grantinj; of the said petition must be filed in this office on or before 12 o'eloek noon of April 7th, 1919, and tliat any per»on or peMona desiring to be heard thereon muat be ' m attendance at the office of the | undersigucd, in the Executive Building, Honolulu, at 12 o'eloek noon of said day, to ahow eauae, if any, why B aid peuUon should aot be granted. DBLEEKI ii. A££TZftRH Treasurer, Xerritory of Hawaii. lionolulu, October 30, 1918.