Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 6, 15 Pepeluali 1919 — TERRITORY OF HAWAII [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


treasurer's Office, Honolulu, OaLu In re dissolution of the Ilonokaa' (Wine & Liquor Company, Limiteu.! j Ilonokaa Wi ne & 1 Liquor Company, Limited, a corporation established and existing! under and by virtue of the laws of 1 the Territory of Hawaii, has, pur-' suant to law in Bueh caBes m&d J and prorided, duly filed in this of-' fie* a petition for the dissolution of the said corporation, together with a certificate thereto annexed as required by law. Now, therefore, notice is hawby given to any and all persons that have been or are now interested in any , miuner whatsoever i Q the said corporation, that objections to iW granting of the 3a id ,„«« filed in this office on or b*f on! 12 oVloek noon of April 7th, ISU9, a«d that any or'persoua siring to be heard Uwwon must be in uticudauc- at the ot - of aadoi-aigued, in th o Executive Building. Honolulu, at 12 o'clock noon of, said day, to show cause, if any, why , a id petition should not be granted. j PKLBEKT E. MEIZUISK, | Treasurer, Territory of Hawaii. Hjaiolulu* Ooolwr SO, ltus.