Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 5, 8 February 1919 — TERRITORY OF HAWAII [ARTICLE]

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|Treaflurer's Office, Honolulu, Ouliu j fn re {lie3olution of the Honokaa iWiiK' l\: Jjquor ('oiupany, Liiuileu. Whereas 7 the Honokaa Wine & Liquor Corapany, Limited, a corporation establiBhe<l aad existuig under and by virtue of the lims of the Territory of Hawaii, has pur«nant to law in aueh casea made an<i provided, duly filed in this offit» a petitioii for the uissolut)oii of the *said corporatiori, together with a certificate thereto annexed as required by law. N"ow, therefore, notice is hereby given 1o any and all persons that have been or are now interested in any niaīiner what3oever in the said oorporatio, that objections to the lgraTiting- of the said pe'tition t !be filed in t.liis offiee on or before •12 o'eloek noon of Apnl 7th, ĪPIO, Und tbat any person or persons isirmg to be heard tb6feon must be !in attenuancc at tbe officc> of tbe ; undersigned, in the Executive 'Building, Honolulu, at 12 o'eloek 'noon of said day, to gbow cause, if anv. why said petition should not be granteu. '* ' DELBEIiT E. METZGEK, Treasurer, Territory of Hawaii. Honolulu, October 30, 1918.