Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXI, Number 52, 6 ʻOkakopa 1916 — Statement of Ownership [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Statement of Ownership

management, ete., of Ke Aloha Aina, published weekly at Honolulu, Territory of Haw&ii (w* uired by the Aet of August 24, 1912). Wame of editor, • Jesae Uluihi, postoffiee, Honolulu, T. H. Business mauager, J. S. Martin, Honolulu, T. .H. Publijiher, Aloha Aina Co., Ltd., Honolulu, T. H. Owners holding one per cent or more of the capital atock: E. M. Watson, K. H. Trent, 0. W. Ashford, Estate of E. R Harvey, L. L. MjaCandless, Estate of J. K. Pendergast, all of Honolulu, , Territory of Hawaii, aJid E. B. MeOlanahan of San JFranci»co, Cal., W. A. Nova Scotia, Canada. Postoffice address unknowu. Namea of bondholderB, mortgageeā, and other security holdors, kglding one per cent or more of tlie total amount of bonda, mortgages 7 or other seeuritiea No secured debts. S. MAETIN, , Manager. Sworix to. and subscribed before me this me this emfwy yb vb y mo this 26th day of Sept., 1916. (Sesl) P. H. BUKNETTE, Notary Poblic. My eommiBBion expires June 3Q, 1917. ■ ...