Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XIX, Number 95, 31 Iulai 1915 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HALE KUAI LOLE NUI KWON6 HIN6 OHOK6 C0 - . , : —i —— .- . •- -agg J!ia ma bo makou Halekuai.lok e loaa ai n 4 lole ona keiki i»«: * ■ ke nui a ka liilii. Na Lilina mau\i ( na kamaa kaue me ko na wahin^ kamaa kamalii. Lihililii k a u kau pukaanianl, na pakana w&kine. * Ile oiluolu ke kuka ana ina e kipa mai ma ko niakou Halekuai nei. llooko ia kou mākemake me ka eleu loa. _,■-• •• . - IWONC HINC C«DNG Co u -l -«.l&zvia.i 3sr-0.-u.aia.-ij. xxelTj. "Z:oteofe© l Hctel st, HALEKUAI PAPALE NANI 0 FUKURDOA Kuai Hooemi Nui No Hookahi Mahina Wale No " ' 1 j * _ Ela ma ko makou hale kual e loaa ai kou papale Ina oe e kipa mai e Ike, e na papale Te falki me na pua i kinohinohi ia a nani T na papale Ilke ole o na wahine me ko na.kane, na kanta>ii a peia waie a ku E Kipa Mai 8 ike. Alanui Hotela oe Byu Lane * Mip m WAĪEK CO. LIO. E na Oiwi o ka Aina. L WAIHO MAI I KA OUXOU MAU KAUOHA WAIMOMONA. 0 KA AIvO WAI LIKE OLE APAU IA MAKOU. UA HIKI KĒ nOOLAWA I XA HOME APAU.E HOOUNA MAI 1 KA OUKO U KAUOHA MAANEI. KALE WAINOHONA "gharles mmr . 'h". -- '■ i < . OMA, LUHAMUi Teiepooa 3022 Aiamii Beretania kekoke i Huuam U Yott Are Siiffering| ; [ any kind of Stomach TrouWe aod you find it imp«ssihle ■] ■ asslmHate your food; or If you experience annostng speUs Qi Imii- 5 1 > festten, Heartbum, Dyspepsia, and the thousand ojk iiis inīepar- T < * iWe from ft«se maladles, you need a eomplele chanfie o/ diet. i : 1 Or«p your accustomed food for a week or two, and eat nathias f :•«* ■ I Armstrong , sTaroFlour | ! I thre« tiro«s a day, wift a giass or twa of best raw &woet miik. Yau S ; Itad this better tfean aU themedictne ln the worid fsjr yw f ; storoach aflment. I ;; AMSTRONG'S TARO FLOUR is made under th« tmi scru- i ; ► palMis hygiank condiUons, with «pdern machinefi, tod tr«e fro® | :: contact with «1« homan hands," AHMSTROKG S is tt» aea» af£ < | M§h «N»Uty in Taro Flour, and ean be reiied upon as I ;; tte iast word in the manufacture of this ar4icle. 5 :: l»y *ll Brocers, and fiuaranteed under th« Pure Feq£ 1 :: * il« - ; ; AR»STMHS & McMHDL£SS PIAKI J