Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XIX, Number 59, 21 Nowemapa 1914 — STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. [ARTICLE]
xnantigemeiit, etc., of Ke Alolia Aina, published weekly at Honolulu, Territory o£ Hawaii (required by the Aet o£ August 24, 1912). ' I Name of editor, T. J. Byan, post oftite, Honolulu, T. H. £usiness manager, T. J. Ryan, Honolulu, T. H. Publisher, Aloha Aina Co., Ltd., Honolulu, T. H. Owners holding one per cent or more of the capital stock: E. Wataon, R. H. Trent, C. W. Ash£ord, Eatate of F. 11, līairery, L X. McCandleBB, Eatat« of J. K. Pendergast, all of Honolulu,
l Territory of Hawaii, and E. B. Me- - Olanahan of San Erancisco Oal, W. . A. Kinney, Nova Scotia, Canada. Postoffice address unknown. N"ames of bondholders, mortgagees, and otht er security holders, holding one per cent or more of the total amount of bonds r mortgages, or other securities: N"o Stecured debts. T. J. RYAN, Editor and Business Manager. S\vorn to and subscribed before me th?a 13th dav of October, 1934. . (Seal) JONATHAN SHAW Notary Pubic. : My coinmission expires June 30, , 1915.