Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XIX, Number 40, 11 July 1914 — Mayor J. J. Fern Is Not Democrat. [ARTICLE]
Mayor J. J. Fern Is Not Democrat.
The Holomua, said to be under . the management of George Carter. ; is Terr mueh offended by the attitude of Ke Aloha Ainu toward J. ■ J. Fern and suggests, that it may . lie that T. J. Ryan wants to run for . Mayor. I t goes on to state that Mr. Ryan wasl et out of the pubi lie service at Hilo for incompetency and that is the riason he come to Honolulu. To make Holomua feel i easy we will state that Mr. Ryan does nut want to be a candidate for Mayor or any other office; that there never was a more competent man in the public service than Mr. Ryan when he was at Hiki; that no grafting was done there until four' days after 1 ho grafters had succeeded in getting him out of the way; that be could boat Joo Fern for ilayor if lie wanted the plaee, and' if elected the Democrats would have; an officer who would not go back on his platform and his party and appoint Republicans to office .is Mayor Fern did. Mr. Ryan is a Democrat and Mayor Fern is not a Democrat--that's the difference. , 0 .— E kuai ia mai ana ua laubu, kuIftlo amo haupifl ono ma ka makoke kuai i'a o Honolulu, ina ka nuina la Poaono. o na waThne oka Ahahui K.tahuHianu no ka pomaikai o ko lakou Ahahui.