Ke Aloha Aina, Volume X, Number 15, 9 ʻApelila 1904 — RUSSIAN CAVALRY AT DALNY. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
O VeU fcf! ē kats ie la ofa na koa k!o o Knaia e be!e ana e bn!i ina lapana. Od» koa Boßia keia e akoakoa aea mawaho mal o DaiDj. "/■: ;
Jost outui<te of Tinia>, Ib miā roaM«J a large txwsy of oav*lry, "a branfb nf tv- mll!tary B«rvlce upon whl<;h she plaoea great retfano©. Tbe i!ljjrftfatlon «liown a txx!y of the«e trodps scautlng ha'ok of tfw> cfty o® ifccelpt;*of a ruinor thnt the troops were£ 1d an attempt to «urprlß6 tbezn froin the rea/.