Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 16, 15 Malaki 1902 — LOCALS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Hon. J. F- Hackfclcl will leave here next month. The Miowera is corning in as we go to press. The Alaniecla is here from Francisco. The band will play at Emma Square this afternoon. Prince Kalanianaole is well and handsome as ever. Please take a glance at our adds The\ are worth while looking at. Mrs. S 1». Dole receives evcrs Fridas afternoon trom 3 to 6 o'clock. Mrs. Robert W Wilcox will not go to Washington this month. Hugh Mclntvre is expected home in the Alameda this evening. Governor Dole will go to Washington when he is feeling better. The Coptic will be in tomorrow "from the mainland with news of the Congress. The reception held yesterday by Prince and Princess Kawananakoa was a success. We are glad to hear that Hon. Henry E- £ooper was in town yesterday for a little while. Delegate Wilcox is well and says he will go to Congress either on the 10th or the 15th, that is today. . Everybody ought to go to the Opera House tonight and see the Hawaiian play. We hope to see a full house. Charlie McCarthy's saloon has just opened and the boys are having a grand luau with music to lull the cars of all who are there. Delegate Wilcox is out to Congress bv this time and he will bring all his bills through to make up for lost time for the good of this Territory. We do not like to listen to the Great 1 Am of the 'Tiser. 1 hey do not know any more than the man in the moon. We congratulate Capt. Merry of the L S ;\aval Station here upon his recent appointment to the rank of Rear Admiral. As Captain Merry, he has won both the respect and admiration of all citizens on the island and we extend this congratulation to him with sincerity, and regret, at the same time, that we are going to lose his genial presence.

Home Rule Republican can be had at WiillNichols' book store King street at 10 cents per copy. tf