Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 15, 25 February 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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livery to an intcrnal prcssurc of 300 lbs. per square ineh, also 12 6-ineh Gate valves with bell ends to stand ilie same pressure, 12 6-meh elows, 12 6-ineh tces, 300 lbs! hemp yarn and one ton of lead to be delivered F. O. J3. wharf Ilonolulu within sixty (60) days from datc of contract. 1 he Sup t of Public \Vorks reserves thc right to rcjcct any or all bids. Specilications at tlic office of thc Sup't of ilonolulu Wator Works. JAS. li. BOYD, Sup"t of Public Works. SEALED TJENDERS Will be received at tke Offlce of the Superinteudent of Public Works until 1 p.m. oЈ Monday, February Ioth, 1902, for vitrified iron Sbone sewer pipe, Y's and bends. Specifi.cations on flle at Office of Superintendent of Public Worka. Copies may be obtained on application. Tlxe Superintendent of Public Wo*ks does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any bid. JA"MES H. BOYD, Superintendent of Public Works. Department of Pulalie Works, januajry 25, 1902. NOTICE. Noliee is liereby given tkat, in accordance with section 612 of the Civil Laws, all persons, companies or <sorporations, o"wnLng, controlling or operating aerial or undergrounfl. circuits for the following purposes r via:— Electric Ligh.ts, Electric Power, Blectric Railway Trolley Wires, EJlectric Railvtga.y Feeder Wire. Telephones, Telegraplis, Electric Signals, sh.all file at tti© offi-ce of tlie Government Eleetrical Inspector, on or before March. 1, 1902, detail maps sh.owing tlie location of all pole lities and circuits. No extension or modification of existing pole lines or circuits shall be made nntii app!ication accompanied by plana for same shall be submitted to and approved by the Qovernment Electrical Inspector. All poles or circuits or wires on public stt)eets or highways iiot in actual service must lae removed without further notice. Mj. W. P. C. Hasson has been appointed Government Electrical Inspector for the Territory of Hawaii, vice W. G. Frazee, resigned. All blanks for tlae above worfe will be furnished upon application at ,the ofiß.ce of the Government Electrical Inspector. JAS. H. BOYD, Superintendent of Public Works. Department of Public Works, January 24, 1902. WATER NOTICE. In accordance with. section 1 of Ch.apter XXVI of the laws of 1880:. All persons holding water privileges or th.ose paying water rates are hereby notified that the water rates for the term ending June 30, 1902, will be due and payable at the office of the Honolulu Water Works on the lst day of January, 1902. All such rates remaining unpaid for flfteein days after they, are due will be subject to an additional 10 per cent. All privileges upon whieh rates remain unpaid February 15, 1902, (thirty days after becomlng delinquent), are liable to suspension withcmt further notice. Rates are payable at the office of the Water Works, in tlie basement of the Capltol build- . ANDREW BHOWN, Supt. Honolulu Water Works. Honolulu. December 20. 1901.