Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 15, 25 February 1902 — THE DANISH WEST INDIES. [ARTICLE]
The treaty with the Danish Governmcnt for the cession of the Danish West Inclies to the United States for the sum of $5,000,000 was reported to the Senate by Senator Cullom, the comraittee on foreifrn relations having- at its last meeting directed such action. No amendment was madc bv the committce. Tt is understood that the action of the committee was practically nnanimous. There was no discnssion of the treaty in executive scssion. An effort was made to remove Ihe injunction of secrecy from
thc lrealy, bui objci"Lit>n \vas madc anel thi* clociuncnt was ordered to be printed. lts provisions have already been generally published. Senator Cullom said yesterday that he hoped to sccure tlie ratification of the treaty next week- When thc treaty has been ratified thc House will be asked to pass an appropriation of $5,000,000 to defray thc cost ol purchase. Aiter this has bcen secured the aflfirniativc vote of tlie people of the must be obtained before the transfer to the lTnited Statēs will bc complete.