Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 12, 22 January 1902 — TOPICS OP THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

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Luaus were held at Ewa and Moanalua and Kamoiliili on the i6th on account of cclebrating the birthday of Delegate Wilcox"and Mrs. Wilcox's son *Prince Robert Kalanikupuapaikalaninui Keoua. He was y years old. Long live the little Prince is the wish of the people. The old Missionary organ says in a sarcastic way, that the article about Mr. Pain's Electric cars in Mrs. Wilcox's paPer was good for another milk bill o£ $300. We do not see why Mr. Pain should not attend to the matter as he had a perfect right in doing so as he was acting for Delegate Wilcox and Mrs, Wilcox under full power..

Mrs. Robcrt Wilcox made one o£ the reporters of the inissionary organ apologize in their paper about some articles written about Mrs. Wilcox. It read a ? , if it was a letter to her from her husband. She states and says that she is not used to showing- her letters to any one, and especially to reporters of that paper. It was a good that -they made tha correction for it would have been their turn to pay a milk bill instead of Mr. Pain's.

Wc.thank Profē9sor lierger aiul Ihe young ladies and all the s\veet-voiced birds of the Band for their kindness in playing beauliful airs at the L/uau given at Delegatb Wilcox's home in honor of his son's birthday, Jan. 16, 1902. Mrs. Robert W. Wilcox will bring suit against thē crown lands as~ she is the granddaughter of Kalokuokamaile, x King Kamehameha's brother, it will be heard before Congress this session, her attorneys are Lawyer Hamilton and Judge Cole of Washington, D. C. If oitr past experience of the 'Tiser yellow journalism counts for anything it is that v»hatever that paper says it is that it isn't. And when it says tliat Delegate Wilcox "was in extremis," it is on!y another illustration of tlie proverb that "the wish is father to the thought." Mrs. R. W. Wilcox will bring suit against that property called the Arlington Hotel and also Campbell property between I J unchbowl and Likelike street and Palaee and King street, and also the Occidental Hotel grounds. Her attorneys are Mr Fitch and C. A,. Long. When the Fresno female raisin packers desire to be mated with Hawaiian planters they desire a good thing, but whether their desire will materialize or not depends on their good looks, for money is no object with these "roo|ters." But with the Puerto Rican "belles" in 4t the field" it looks rather blue for the Fresno "blondes.' Mrs. Robert W. Wilcox thanks the Gov ernor and Hon. H. E. Cooper for their kindness in sending the Band to play on Her son*s birthday as she appreciated tlie kmdness very mueh indeed.