Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 12, 22 January 1902 — POUND MASTER'S NOTICE OF ESTRAYS. [ARTICLE]

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Notice is here"by giveu that the n.nirng r ip described below have been impounded in the Government Pound at Makiki, Kona, Islaad of Oahu, and unless th.e pouud fees a>nd damages are sooner satisfied will be sold at the date hereafter named occording to law: Dec. 9, 1901'—One roan mare, branded Y on the right hind leg; white stroke on forehead; both hind feet white, and all shod. Dec. 9, 1901 —One Billy Goat, with black and white spots. Dec. 9, 1901—One sorrel Mare, undeacrlbable brand; white stroke on forehead to nostrils; right hind foot white. Dec. 9, 1901—One bay horse, branded Q slmilar to on the left hind leg; white stroke on forehead; £ore foot black. The above strayed animals will be sold on Saturday, December 28, 1901, if not called for before the date mentioned. K. KEKUENE, Pound Master.