Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 12, 22 January 1902 — NOTICE TO CORPORATIONS. [ARTICLE]

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The attention of offlcers of corporations is called to Section 2024 of the Civil Lawa of 1897:—

"Section 2024. Every corporation aot eleomosynai'y, religious, literary or eeLueaional, shall annually present a full and accurate oxhibit i.r the state of its affairs to t,he Treasurer, at aueh times a,s the Treasurer shall direct. The said Treasurer ahall have po-wer, oither himsel£ or by one or more commissionors api>ointed by him, to eall foi\the pcoduction of thc* books and papers the corporation, and to examine its officers, members and touching its affairs under oath. The anhual reports abovo mantioned, and the results of such examination, the Treasurer may in his discretion, iay belore the President and also publish. in case any such corporation shall refuse to produce its books and papers upon the request of the Treasurer or the Commissioners appointed by him, or in case any of the oflicers or members of such corporation shall refuse to 'oe on oath, touching the affairs of the corporation then the Treasurer or the Commissioners may apply to the Court of Chancery for an order to eompel the product!on of the books and papem, or the examination of such officers or memhers cf the corporation, obedience to whieh order may b e enforced by said Court, in like manner with_ its ordinary decrees and orders. In. conformity with the above law all corporations are hereby notifled to make a full and accurate exhibit o£ the state of their affairs for the year ending December 31st, 1901, such exhibit to be flled in the offlce of the Treasurer on or before January 31st 1902. Blank estimates will be furnished upon application at the Treasurer'3 office. I have this day appointed Mr. A. B. SCRIMGEOUR as Commissioner to perform the dutie° required in above Section. j WILLIAM H. WRIGHT, Treasurer, Territory of Hawaii. Treasurer's Office, Decemfeer 6 1901.