Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 11, 6 January 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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+1™ } ® booka a »d papers of the corporation, and to examine its officers, members tad others touching its affairs tt&eUr olth. JSe aanual reports above mentioned, and the re- ?« M< s °f« SUC^i examlnation ' the Treasurer in&t \uhi?«S t lay btefore the and i.■,* Publish. la case any such corporation shall refuse to produce its books a p6.berS Snn! reques * °* the Treasurer or the Commissioners appointed by him* or in case any shar e reSae rS tn° r i, member f ° 112 such cor P®™tioii fn£ thf ° be on oath, touching the affairs of the corporation theh the 7™tl BU n r ° r the may apSy Court of Chancery for an order to com*is production of the books and naoera of tv» 6 examltLatioll of such officers or members h cor p oratiOEl > to Which ferae? wSh <?« H^ Ced by sald Gourt ' in like manner with its ordinary decrees and otdeha. In conformity with the above law all crporations are hereby notified to ihake * Mil exhibit of tke state of Velr affairs for th e year ending December 31st. 3UCh e * hibit to be filed in office of the Treasurer on or before January 31st 1902 n/wtf? es . tl f? ates will Be furnished upon application at the Treasurer's.office. .■ ■ . h . av . e thiB day appointed Mr. A. B SCRTTWcr_jOUR as Conxmissiorier to perform tjie required in above Section. WILLIAM H. WRIGHT, , Treasurer, Territory of Hawaii. Treasurer g Office, December 8, 1901. Claus Spreckels. Win. G. ItWiß. Glaus Spreckels & Go., Bankers , HONOLULU, H. T. SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS—The Nevada. National Bank of San Francisco. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO—The Nevada. National Bank of San Francisco. LONDON— The Union Bank of London, • Limited. - - NEW YORK—American Exchange National Bank. CHICAGO—-Merchants' National Bank. PARlS—Credit Lyonnais. BERLlN—tlresdener Banjc. HONGKONG and OKOHAMA—Hongkong and Shang-hai Bankiiig Corporatldii NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA Bank of New Zealand. VICTORIA and VANCOUVER—Bank of British North America. . Transact a General Banking and Mama Basinf® Deposits received, Loans made ed security, Commercial and Tr&veters' Credits issued, Bills of Exchange bbilcrht and sold. Collections Promptly Accounted for. | Telephone Main 101 p. o. Box 683 nntmv & efc STOCK" AND BOND BROKERS MEMBERS HONOLULCJ STOCK ANl>j BOND EXCHANGE Office, Campbell Blocks Merchant St. Honolulu, T, TT,