Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 11, 6 January 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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POUND MASTER'S NOTICE OF ESTRAYS. Notice is hereby given that the animals described below have oeen impounded In the Government Pound at Makiki, Kona, Island of Oahu, and unless the pound fees and damages are sooner satisfied will be sold at the date hereafter named according to law: Dec. 9, ]901—One roan mare, branded Yon the right hind leg; white stroke on forehead; both hind feet white, and all shod. Dec. 9, 1901 —One Billy Goat, with black and white spots. Dec. 9, 1903—One sorrel Mare, undescribable brand; white stroke on forehead to nostrils; right hind foot white. Dec. 9, 1901 —One bay horse, branded Q similar to on the left hind leg; white stroke on forehead; fore foot black. The above strayed animals will be sold on Saturday, December 28. 1901, if not called for before the date mLentioned. K. KT3KUEINEI, A Pound Master. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE Atf B OF SALE. In accordance with a power of sale contained m that certain mortgage made by Dibble K. liae to J. Alfred Magoon, dated April 10th A. D. 1901, recorded in the Register Office, Oahu, in Liber 192, pages 124 and 125, notice is hereby given that said Mortgagee intends to foreclose said mortgage for condition broken, towit, the non-payment of interest when- due, and upon said foreclosure will sell at public auction, at the sale rooms of Will E. Fisher Hdnolulu, on Saturday, the 11th day of January, A. D. 1902, at 12 o'clock, m. of said day j the premises described in said mortgage as below specified. Further particulars can bd had of Thomas I. Dillon, Attorney at Law, Mjagoon block cor. Alakea and Merchant streets, Honolulu. ' J. ALFRED MAGOON, Mortgagee. First-All the right, title and Interest of said Dibble K. Uae in. and to the lands and premises situate at Aala, described in Royal Patent 1768 Dand Commission Award 980. ' Second —An undivided one-third of the land situate at Mapulehu, described m Royal Patent 2973, Land Commission Award 5836. Third—All the right, title and interest of said Dibble K. Ilae in and to that certain piece or parcel of land situate at Kamaole, Kula, Maui, described in Royal Patent (Grant} 405.1. Fourth—An undivided one-third interest of I the Ili of Puuaula in the Ahupuaa of Mapuela, being the same premises described in Royal Patent 7232, Land Commission Award 3218. ! — MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO j FORECLOSE MORTGAGE AND OF SALE. In accordance with ,a power of sale contained In that certain mortgage made by Ella Awihi to J. Alfred Magoon, dated February Ist, A. D. 1898, recorded in the Register Office, Oahu, in Libei 174, pagel 353, 364 and 365, notice is hereby given that said Mortgagee Intends to foreclose said mortgage tor condition broken, to-wit, the non-payment of principal and interest when due, and upon said foreclosure will sell at public auction, at the sale rooms of Will *E. Fisher, Honolulu, on Saturday, the 11th day of January, A. D. 1902, at 12 o'clock m. of said day, the premises described in said mortgage as below specified. Further particulars can be had of Thomas 1. Dillon, Attorney at Law, Magoon block cor. Alakea and Merchant streets, Honolulu. ' J- ALFRED MAGOON, Mortgagee. All the right, title and interest of said Blia Awihi in and to the Ahupuaa of Hileaiki, Kau, Island of Hawaii (being 2-14), covered by Royal Patent No. 7621, Land Commission Award 7715. NOTICE TO CORPORATIONS. The attention of officers of corporations Is called to Section 2024 of the Civil Laws of 1897:— "Section 2024. Every corporation not eleomosynary, religious, literary or educaional, shall annually present a full and accurate exhibit of the state of its affairs to the Treasurer, at such times as the Treasurer shall direct. The said Treasurer shall have power, either himself or by. one or more commissioners appointed by him, to call for the produc-