Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 11, 6 January 1902 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

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Judge Gear is away on the mainland foi the benefit of his health. Prince Kalanianaole was nominated for a member of the Legislature by the Home Rulers. Mr. W. J. Robinson was appointed Judge and will be confirmed when Congress meets on the 6th. There will be a special election soon, to fill the vacancy in the Fourch District caused by the death of Representative Gilfillan. Judge Humphreys is a popular man. He is a man with a backbone. He made the missionary clique see stars they never saw before. Oh, mamma! Too many cooks spoiled the broth. That was the reason of the failure of a Judge. We are sorry, but there is no use crying over spilled milk. Mr. Magoon is al right, and don't worry your minds. You are all jealous because they do not appoint you guardian. How long are you people going to remain children? Can anyone tell? Hon. John D. Spreckels is still in San Francisco, working hard as ever, and is in the very best of health. He is the true friend of the Hawaiians. Long may he live, is the wish of all his friends in the Hawaiian Territory and elsewhere. We hope to see him soon in Hawaii nei. Delegate Wilcox has introduced two important bills, one a special land law for Hawaii and the other to have the lepers in the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury at Washington, so the lepers will be taken good care of and have the best physicians o c Honolulu and other* parts of the world, lo be employed by the United States, to •_ne the lepers. Mrs. Robert W. Wilcox was serenaded five times by the different singing clubs on New Year's Eve, and she entertained them all and treated them with respect. She had several callers also on New Year's Day, and in the evening she attended a grand weeding at Mr. and Mrs. Kuwalaku's at Kapalama, of Miss Esther Kaua Nahuina and Mr. George Kamanu Puu. TJie wedding ceremony was conducted by Mr. Waller, and a grand luau followed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Waller, Mr. and Mrs. Capt. Tripp, Mr. K. Mherten, Mr. Carlos Long, Mr. Wm. Blaisdell, Mr. T. Lyons, Mr. M. Keohokalole, Dr. and Mrs. McDonald, Miss Lilian Cramer, Mr. and Mrs. Kuwalaku, Mr. and Mrs. Nahipu, Mr. N. Fernandez, Mr. and Mrs. Fernandez Mr. C. B. Maile, Mr. Kaulia and others too numerous to mention. The bride was robed m a white silk gown and her ornaments were the orange blossoms. The groom was well dressed and the bride was given away by Mr. Kuwalaku. Everybody enjoyed themselves very much and the luau was kept up two days and two nights.