Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 11, 6 January 1902 — TRAMWAYS TIME TABLE. [ARTICLE]
King Street Line. Cars leave Waikiki tor Town at 5:45, 6:16, 6:45 a, m, and every 15 minutes thereafter till 10 45, 11.15 and 11:45 p. zn. from Waikiki go to the jfu.nah.ou Stables. ~ Cars leave Rifle Range or P&waa switch, for Town at 5:58 a. m. and every 15 minutes thereafter till 11:08 p m. Cars t'ort t ' "*<l *-'2"*-nets corner for Palama at 6.10 a. m. and every 15 minutes thereafter till 11:25 p. m. Cars leave for Palama only at 5 and 5:30 a. m. * 1 Carß leave Palama for Waikiki at 5:4.5 a. m. and every 15 minutes till 9:45 p. m., then at 10.15 and 10:4b p. m. The 11.15 p. m. from Palama for Punahou only goes to Waikiki on Saturdays. Cars leave Port and streets corner for Rifle Range at 5:20 and 5:50 a. m. Cars leave Fort and King streets corner for Waikiki at 6:05 a. m. and every 15 minutes till 10:05 p. m., then at 10:35 and 11:05 p. m. The 11:35 goes to Waikiki on Saturday only. Beretania St.and Nuuanu Valley. Cars leave Punahou Stable for Town at 5:30, and for Town and Valley at 5.40, 5:50, 6:10. 6:20, 6:40, 7:00 and 7:20 a. m. Cars l«=.ave Oahu College for Ttown and Valley at 6.30, 6.50 and 7.10 a. m., and every fifteen minutes till 10:10 p. m., except the even hours and halj? hour cars which run from the Stable. Cars leave Nuuanu Valley at 6:10, 6:30, 6:50 a. m., and every 10 minutes thereafter till 10:50 p. m. Cars leave Fort and Queen streets for Punahou College at 6:05, 6:25, 6-45 a. m., and every 10 minutes after till 9.45 a. m. After that the cars run to the Stable up to 11:05 p. m., which is the last car from Town, reaching the Stable at 11:30 p. m.