Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 11, 6 January 1902 — HOME RULE REPUBLICANS. [ARTICLE]

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Mass Meeting at the Drill Shed Was a Great Success. The mass meeting of the Home Rulers Saturday evening at the Drill Shed was well attended. The house was filled to the doors. Mr Kaulia called the meeting to order and presented Senator D Kalauokalani, the chairman of the mating. Several speakers spoke, and after the addresses the resolutions were read by a most able young orator, Mr. John Wise, in both languages. The resolutions as follows: \\ hereas, The message of President Roosevelt to the Congress of the United States is replete with recommendations which while intended for the nation at large, would, if embodied in legislation, be of incalculable benefit to this Territory in its future development; and Whereas, The recommendations regarding this Territory are of a character contemplated to develop the highest type of citizenship through a home environment in accord with our claims to civilization and Christianity ; no, therefore, be it Resolved, That we, citizens and voters of the Territory of Hawaii, in mass meeting assembled, do heartily and loyally endorse the recommendations in the President's message relative to wage-earners, immigration, forest reserves, national control and development of water storage for irrigation, a Pacific cable an dan inter-oceanic canal. Resolved, That in his recommendations inferring directly to this Territory the Presh cut lias outlined a policy which meets with the unbounded support of all Ameri-

cans in these Islands, regardless of race or political affiliations. Resolved, That we pledgee our united and concerted action in erecting in this Territory such a traditional American system of government as will credit to the citizens of Hawaii, and support the recommendations of our President. Be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the President through our Delegate in Congress. By showing that the resolutions were approved they gave three cheers. The meeting adjourned at a late hour.