Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 4, 13 November 1901 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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not hold our aelves responsible for tne utterances of oar correspondents.—Ed.J A Reply to J. W. Bipikane. Editor Home Rule Republican:—Seeing a notice in a communication signed by J. W Bipikane in your issue of the 9th inst., le P u^lic rom giving any aid to the Hoomana Naanao Church/of Pauwela, if solicited by the undersigned, as I was unauthorized to do so, and stating also that I was dismissed from the pastorate of said church at Pauwela, Maui, I would liko to s tate that I was duly authorized to do so, and all subscriptions are accounted to the church, over whMi T .still preside, and the donors names \«11 be dul\ published when our debt has been fully p&id. J E KEKIPI. [We would caution the public to go slow m their contributions to charitable organizations or churches, lest it prove to be pearls before swine " —Ed ] All those who wish to secure copies of farmers bulletins and the Agricultural Department s Year Book, will have th<- same forwarded to them by addressing or calling at this office They are being distributed free of charge.