Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 4, 13 Nowemapa 1901 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Cheapest STORE in rtonofufti for Gteneral Dry Goods and Men's Bhuxashing-'Gooda is THrE WttlTt Wi33E 48© Fot*t-Street - Special Leaders for Neit Fei Wtite Men's Furnishing Bepertrtumt Balbriggan TJn4ershirts and. Drawers all sizes... -V| - 25© Elastic Seam Drawers 5^ Men's Shirts collars attain / * j^p c " r "" |1 I lIIIIIL of Neckwear-in the city. Dress Department Victoria Xj&wzls, piece _ -: V: 75c > 90o > $1-06, $1-25 India Linens, piece 24 yards $1.50, $3.00, *2.50, $3joo OTVW XJDNES BIiA.CK Crepons Silk misced, per yard $1.00, $1.25 Ginghams, good equality, 15 yds $1.00 Underclothing Indies §wia_s 75c doz Vests 4 far $1.00 Chemises 500, 60c, 760, $1.00 Xjadies' "White Skirts ' .... 75c, $1.25, $2.5Q ImportantThe Cheapest and 33est Assortment of Boys* Clothing in Honolulu. Ole Defy .. . Competition The White House 420 Fort St. J AS. F. MORGAN AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT 65 Queen $t. Honolulu