Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 3, 9 Nowemapa 1901 — The Francis Murphy Temperance Club. [ARTICLE]
The Francis Murphy Temperance Club.
We would call the attention of all the friends of the above organization to the fact that they reopen at Queen Emma Hall with a fine musical programme this evening at 7 -3® o clock. The public is cordially invited. The musical entertainment is absolutely free, notwithstanding the impression some seem to have obtained that an admission fee is to be charged. This young and earnest club is based 011 the idea of mutual support to resist the allurements of the saloon, and its doors are open to whoever may wish to avail himself of its advantages for furnishing' rational enjoyment or social intercourse with each other and with the many noble people who are trying to help a weak brother to resist the temptation of drink and thus enable him to regain or assume the place in the world which is his birthright by nature. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Francis Murphy Club will have ice cream, cakes, coffee and sandwiches for sale to raise the money to furnish the Ladies' Parlor and the reading rooms, and earnestly hope that many friends of the institution will come and patronize their tables and thus help them to accomplish their object.
Many of the wise-acres seem to attach a political aspect to the present trip of Her Majesty TJliuokalani to the mainland. Other than a change of climate for the benefit of her health, we know of no cause for her departure today.