Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 2, 6 Nowemapa 1901 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

For Sale A BEAUTIFUL suburban residence, with fine, large "dwelling $u<3 outhouses, barns, etc.; fruit trees and ornamental plants; area about 21-4 acres; for sale cheap. Inquire of Mrs. Robert W. Wilcox Title Clear. Country Residence Site For Sale RICE LAND and house lot at Moanalua, near main road, adjoining Damon's land, 1-2 acre. Price $800. Deeds at expense of purchasers. Mrs. R. W. Wilcox Title all Clear. For Sale ONE IMPROVED HOUSE LOT, on Prospect street, on Punchbowl slopes, commanding a fine view of the sea and surrounding country; fine drainage and healthy location; water on premises. Terms: Half cash, balance on mortgage. Title Clear. Mrs, E. W. Wilcox TWO FURNISHED HOUSES for lease, on Palace Walk and Punchbowl street, fronting Electric Car Line, at very reasonable rates. Terms: Not less than two years. Apply to Mrs. R. W, Wilcox For Lease SEVERAL PIECES OF LAND at Waialua, Oahu, near the Haleiwa Hotel. A fine opportunity of getting residence, store or hotel sites in a growing town of a few hours' ride from Honolulu. For terms inquire of Mrs. It. W. Wilcox N. FERNANDEZ nothry public typewriter, etc. office; 2»8 MoicUnnt HI., Cniupboll Block Boar of J. O. (Jarter'n Office lol.Blu o 7<U P.O. Box 104