Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 2, 6 November 1901 — Navel Oranges Raised Here. [ARTICLE]

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Navel Oranges Raised Here.

A few samples of large Washington navel oranges and some Lisbon lemons from four-year-old trees are on exhibition in one of the show windows of the Hawaiian News Co., on Merchant street. They were raised on Mr. £ben Low's ranch on Hawaii at an elevalpon of a trifle over 2,000 feet and with bjt little care. A more systematic planting of citrus fruits by our homesteaders and small farmers in the newly-opened Government tracts, and we will have in a few years enough to supply the local market and a surplus for export. Our local agricultural bureau should see to it that proper seedlings of commercial value are of easy access to intending farmers instead of wasting time and public money in cultivating useless plants or trees which may be found at the Government nurseries.