Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 2, 6 November 1901 — THE ADVERTISER ROYALTY. [ARTICLE]

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Mr. Editor: The followings will answer the got-up royalty by a pack of ignorant liaoles known as the Advertiser staff: Hawaiian Alii's ancestry' was traced as the same law and custom practiced in European countries. It was only those Aliis who married Europeans during Kamehamcha l.'s time and to the present is traced on the mother without regarding what the father was. Among them John \ oung, Isaac Davis and others. Of course, the Alns regarding them as superior individuals, and passed them as equivalent to Aliis in their social standing as well as rank. In fact, during the reign of Liloa, King of Hawaii, in 1455-1485, he hacl a child, Umi, with a plebian woman, Akahiakuleana. Umi afterward became a celebrated King of Hawaii and also became the ancestor of many Kings of Hawaii, even of Kamehameha the Great and down to the last Rulers of these Islands. The Kings and High Chiefs of Maui-held out to equal rank and blue blood alone, but the power of the Hawaii Kings subdued them. Regarding Mrs. Wilcox's Princess, it as well known she belongs to the lineage j which Kamehameha I. himself belongs. All the Kamehamehas recognized this. High Chief ess Elizabeth Kekaaniau Pratt, the aunt of Mrs.Wilcox, was always recog nized intjie court of the Kamehamehas as one orthe highest chiefesses of the Islands down to the present day, and all the Kamaainas know this. They are both descendants oi Kalokuokamaile, a half-brother of Kamehameha 1., both sons of Koeua. The historian S. M. Kamakau quotes so, and so does Judge Fornander in his works, "The Polynesian Race," Vol 11., pages 216 and 310. A lady with such recognized genealogy and next of kin to the Kamehamehas has the right to be called Princess. Are you jealous because you have no pedigree? Poor, hungry haoles! But when it comes to a manufactured genealogy, gotten up to suit a purpose, I pity the poor, deluded woman who believes in those ignorant impostors of the Advertiser, who have no knowledge of Hawaiian genealogy of Chiefs and who are too lazy to read Judge Fornander's "The Polynesian Race." This poor woman's geneological tree in the Advertiser of the sth iqst. is full of gross mistakes, without saying it's barefaced fraudulence. I will quote one of l these: "Kiliuolaninuiamamao (w) (unknown 1o genealogists) is the true issue of Kiwal.no (k) and Kalanikau i okikilo Kalaniakua (w). She was born at Pakaalaneo, Maui, after the death of Kualii (he died in 1730, Kailua, Oahu) and after the battle of Poll akuamaneo in Molokai between Kalaniopuu and Keeattrnoku. Kalanioptttt fled to Maui for refuge; in due time he took his granddaughter K. to Kau, Hawaii." If this is not a preposterous falsehood, then the Advertiser staff alone will swallow this fib. Tf .the Advertiser-will only take the trouble to rea Judge Fornander's "The Polynesian # Race," Vol. IT., page 148, it will soon discover that they are telling ati-Arabian story.to themselves. Why, during this battle called Pohaku-

maneo (shuated between Polulu and Ho-j nokane at North Kuhala, Hawaii, and not Molokai) between Keeaumoku and Kalanipoo, who was then King of Hawaii, and who defeated Keeaumoku, who fled to Maui. As to the rest of this got-up genealogy, it is so badly gotten up that I ask this poor woman to look up another haole to got iq) a genealogy that will hold water which cannot be said of this stuff by a lot of ignoramuses. And, finally, to complete the impudence of these nnposters, they have added that Kaihpalua, the great grandmother of the Inte H,gh Alii Bcrnice Pauahi Bishop, is also the great grandmother of Mrs. Def Nobody knows this sham Alii except the Advertiser impostors. A GENEALOGIST.