Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Win. F. Wilson Co., The leading Plumber* of San Fraaci>co, have decided to locate a per maaent establishment in Honolulu. This will gire the residents of this city an opportunity of bavin* their plumbing done at reasonable rales by the most skillful mechanics in the plumbing business. #HAWAIIAN<^ Ensinoeriujr and Construrlion (V ROC vs 50*. 509. s*o STANGENW ALO BUILDING. O AH classes of Engineering Work solicited Eaam;nai: Sar OFFICE AND SHOP AT THE tender Touoe Bui ding. reys and Reports madi for ary class of Waterworks. Steam anc Electrical Construction. Plans and Specifications ar ; E«?!tn >t • < pared, and Construction Superintended in all brmnrVs •'! ■■ Work Contracts solicited for Railroads, electric acd strare T Bridges. Buildings. Highway*, Foundations. Piers. Wharves Et SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Evan’inat.o’ 1 *- Valuations a-s Reports of Properties for investment purposes. FREDERICK J. AMWEG. M. Am. Soc. C. E. Engineer and Manage-. W. R. CASTLE, JR . Secretary and Treasurer. * 3 • 1 i 1 Contractor and Builder. Jobbing Promptly Attended to H. HAMRND Japanese .... Importer of Products . . Provisions and Wines . . Leading Straw Hat Manufacturer; ALL KINDS OF STRAW HATS DRY AND FANCY GC '35 MADE TO ORDER. GENTS' FURNISHING O HATS WASHED AND PRESSED JAPANESE SILK and La-gest Stock of Ladies and Gents' COTTON DRESS GOOD! Hats m the city. AX Iwakaml & Go. HOTEL STREET. HOTEL S' -SET The Oriental life Insurance l'o.. ltd. The Home Company Oor. King and Smith Streets Issues all modern form* of policies at th« low,rates. Policies issued in l»oth Kn_ r li*h and < languages. HOME OFFICE: 301-JO2 Stan genwald Bldg-. Honolulu. T. H. PHONE j(m>. liuen Chong Co. Manufacturers of All Kinds of BISCUITS. CRACKERS, HARD TACK. RICE HANDLED. —Large Importers of— Flour, Groceries. Fruit and Vegetables WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. REMEMBER! 120 KING STREET. P. O. Box 972. Phone. White 801. THE TRAVELER S INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD LIFE—ACCIDENT—HEALTH H. C. IiDVEKIN, AGENT TERRITORY OF HAWAII. 403 Judd Building. REMEMBER I E. W. Jordan’s BIG m Is Still On. remember:. REMEMBER f Tom Sharp gitfnographist (Successor to CHAS. SEYDONE.) UP-TO DATE Designing and Gilding. Advertising a Specialty. Office and Workshop: H7O UNION STREET. WHY HOT BUT THE BEST? If COSTS NO MORE m 2. \ r IT IS LIKE FINDING MONEY TlieE\tra(’«infoii Tin* Extra Wear * * The all round satisfaction you get from .earing a pair, of tne, V high grade, perfection shoes. When you buy arything. and are satisfied with it. you feel haoi with everything in the world. You can only achieve this bv wear ing a pair of HANAN S high grade shoes. Mclnerny’s Shoe Stoic. Me.N TYRE BLOCK. Wall Paper Eureka Wickless Blue Flame OIL STOVES •eld wita aCaaraaiae Kerosene and Baso'ine Wickless Stoves —FOR SALE AT THE— Hawaiian Hardware Co. ltd FORT STREET, ♦ Bonier*# rcen will t»U yon ♦ ♦ that an ad in TV Bepahiie~ « ♦ as bring* good results ba- ♦ ♦ cause the prop!* r.ad rt • Over ThirtyThousand Rolls to be Sold at a discount of 25 PER CENT Less than former prices. W JL Li li P JL P E H S A i* E I Wall RftT For the next Thirty Days. All new designs AND new goods. The HlcKecnie Paint and Wall Paper Co., 116 Batail Strut. WHORE 62.