Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 Ianuali 1902 — What They D[Illegible]. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

What They D[Illegible].

Not very long since an exceedingly well dressed man about 35 was charged In a north London court with being drunk. He promptly paid his 10 shillings’ fine and went away. A fortnight later a stylishly dressed woman was charged with a slnrlar offense. As she gave the same name and address I concluded they were husband and wife. Bo I called on them, and my visit was repeated several times. They had a very nice home, kept two servants and had four children. I noticed a bonny lad of 8. as I saw him several times. Some months later I got a letter aa folio wa: Dear Vi Holme* — Ton know it Jtr-h. th* ►year-old. I am terry to aay that ha haa *o« la to had wart—tint merry from at. ttopa out lat* and la very ditcbadlrnt, Can yoc *rt him heto aay training horn* or Inatitution of any Had. v’wrr bit aril propanattlca trill ba curad* Kafl 7 obllcr at tn this I could not resist the temptation to reply as foPo*-*: * Dtar Sir—l know rl hut one curt for Jack’) •ad propanaltlea. and (hat ia a thorough application ad U< bortnrhlp to both parrnta. —Contemporary Review.