Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — He Remembered Them. [ARTICLE]

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He Remembered Them.

“By the way.” said the man who had stopped at a farmhouse to water his horse. "15 years ago a poor boy came this way, and you took him In.” “Yes?” queried the farmer, somewhat surprised. “You were kind to him,” went on the stranger; “yon fed him. gave him words of encouragement and an old suit of clothes, put a dollar in his pocket and sent him on his way rejoicing. He told yon at the time that he never would forget your kindness. Am I right?” “I reckon you are,” replied the farmer. “He said that If he prospered he would see that you never bad occasion to regret your kindness to a poor, struggling lad.” "Land’s sakes!” exclaimed the fanner's wife excitedly. “It sounds almost like a fairy tale, don’t It? Why. yon must have seen him.” “I have.” said the stranger, "and he sent a message to you.” “What Is It?’ they both asked expectantly. “He told me to tell you that he fs still poor.” As the stranger drove away the farmer went out and kicked the pump viciously, while his wife threw a rolling pin at the chickens.—New York World.