Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — SERVICES IN THE CHURCHES [ARTICLE]

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FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS SERMONS AND PUBLIC SERVICES IN ALL CHURCHES IN HONOLULU. Concert at Murphy Club Hall—Meeting* of Young Men’* Institute and Catholic Benevolent Union. Address on China and Japan at V. M. C. A. Hall. TOe religious world will soon (■cut into {be period of I>*nL In spite of the changes wrought In • be ecclesiastical discipline. Septuagesiina has remained a time of ha!% penitence and prayer. The Greek Church always begins her period from the week of Septuagesi mi. holy ronsiderations of charity make her Western sister associate herself with her mourning The spouse of Jesus Christ bad another motive which reveals to us her profound knowledge of the human heart: a mother full of solicitude, she knows all its weaknesses. After the sweet joys of Christmas, after the In-a itiful feasts of the Epiphany season anil the more tumultuous one* of th<* carnival, coul.l we at on< < enter into the penitential life without transition7 Vssuredly not. The evening twilight precedes the night. It Is necessary to let the last echo of the feasts fade away little by little, before intoning the sad chant ■ ' mourning Septuagesima becomes the preparation for l.ent. St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Dean. the Itfshop of Honolulu: par Ish priest, the Rev. V. H Kltcat. Fifth Sunday after Christmas. 7 a in., holy communion. 11 a m. Choral celebration of the holy communion. 3.30 p m , Pule abiahf. 7 30 p m . Evensong and sermon. Si*cond Congregation: The Rev. Mexander Mackintosh. Sunday school, 1C morning service. V* 45; evening service. 6:30. Roman Catholic Cathedral. His Ixtrdshlp. the lilshop of ratiopolls Low masses and holy communion. 0 and 7 a. tu.: children's mass, 9 a ni : solemn high mass and sermon. 10 30 a. m.; vespers and benediction. 7 p. m. Christian Church. K. S Muckley. pastor. Res.. 350 U<Tetania. Telephone Blue 1001. Preaching at 11 a. ni . on "The Use and Abuse of Doubt;’’ and at 7:30 p. m on "Materialism vs. Spirituality.” Bible s< bool begins at 9:45 a. m. sharp. Voting People's meeting at 6:30 p. ni Mid week prayer meeting 7 30 p m Wednesday. Strangers and non members are cordially invited by the members of the church to attend all the/e services. Central Union Church. Eleven a m Rev. D Scudder will preach, subject: "The Unspeakable Gift." 7 30. Rev. Wm. Morris Kincaid will preach, subject: "LostSaved " 6 30. Christian Endeavor meeting, subject "Hard Work and the Good of It." Teachers. Miss Ada Whitney and Mies Mary Burdick. Methodist Episcopal Church. Corner of Berctania and Miller streets G. I. Pearson, pastor. Services tomorrow as follows; 10 a. tn.. Sunday school; 11 a. m.. public worship and sermon: subject. "Conditions of Success in Spiritual Work.” 0 30 p. m . Epworth l-eag«e devotional service, subj-'ct. ’ A Great Awakening;” 7:30. public worship and sermon : subject "God’s Call and Promise to the Spiritually IVad." A welcome always to all. Y. M. C. A. On Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Rev. Mr. Dormus will deliver an address on Japan and China, at the Y., M C. A. hall. All men art* invited to attend. ■■ - C. B, U. A meeting of the Catholic Benevolent Union will be held at the CathMlc Club rooms on Monday evening ■t Y. M. I. - business meeting of : 1 Young Men’s Instl-; at Harmony ball on next. < •pel. lister. Ho’y y in the r Sundav, ( morning *

prayer and sermon. 7 f>s. Rapid tran •ft car? pas? the door. St. Augustin's Chapel. Rev Father Valentin. Sacrament of the mass. 8:03 a. m. Palama Chapel. At the Palama Chapel the Rer. J. i P Erdtnan will conduct a goepe’. service at 7:2' p m. Sunday school! at a m Salvation Army. Salvation Army. Kin* street. Cap | tain? Burgess and Sullivan in charge Early prayer meeting. 9:30; wharf meeting fold Fish Market), 10; h lines? meeting. li: jail meeting. 12:30 Sunday school. 2:20; Bible class 3:30; street meeting, 7 30; evening meeting. 8; public meetings every ev ening in the week except Friday. • German Church. German Lutheran Church. Beretania street. Rev W. Felmy. pastor, residence 1032 King street. 10 a m . Sunday school; 11 am„ service; j evening 7:30. prayer; meeting i Meeting tor Seamen. A meeting for seamen will be held at 9 o’clock Sunday morning by the Penlel Mission on the wharf at the foot of Nuuanu street, at 10 o’clock Bible’ class at Mission; 3 p m . holiness meeting: 7:30. street meeting King and Nuuanu; afterwards ser vices in Hawaiian. Kawaiahao Church. Rev. H H. Parker, pastor; Rev. W. D Westervelt in charge of the evening services. Sunday school, 10; i , morning service. 11; evening service, j 7.30; Christian Endeavor. o:3ft; pray ?r meeting, Wednesday. 7:30. Chinese Church. Rev. Edward W Thwing. acting pastor. Sunday school. 9:30; preaching service. 11; Sunday school in English. 2:30; evening service. 7:30; Wednesday, prayer meeting. 7:30. Japanese Church. Rev. T. Okumura, pastor, Services at the old Lyceum at 11 and 7:30 o’clock. Japanese M. E. Church. Rev. G. Wotokawa, pastor. Sunday school. 10; morning service, 11; evening service. 7:45: c'ass meeting. 8:30; prayer meeting. Wednesday. 8. Services In the chapel at theVnd of Kukui street adjoining St. Louis College grounds. Mormon Church, Elder William M. Waddaups, in charge, Sunday school at 10 a. m.: regular service, preaching, at 11:30 a. m.; Young People’s Mutual Improvement Association, at 7 p.ra.; primary meeting for children. Friday, at 3 p, m.; Relief Society meeting at 10 a. m.. on Saturday. Free to all; no contributions: hall. Latter Day Saints. Reorganized Church of JeSus Christ, G. J. Waller, pastor: services in Mililani Hall. Sunday school. 10; preach ing in Hawaiian. 11: Book of Mormon class, 5:30; Church history class. 6:30; preaching in English. 7:30. Seventh Day Adventists. Rev. Howe, pastor; meeting place, chapel in Printers’ lane. Saturday. Sabbath school. 10 a. m ; preaching, at 11 o'clock. Wednesday, prayer and missionary meeting at 7:30. Baptist Society. Regular meeting first Sabbath afternoon of each month at 3 o’clock in Young Men's Christian Association parlors. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Murphy ClubConcert tonight at Queen Emma hall. Prayer meeting and sacred concert at 8 p. m. tomorrow. Concert and reading room free to everybody. Portuguese Protestant Church. Rev. A V. Soares, pastor. Sunday < services. 11 and 7:30 Sunday school. ; 2 3ft; Wednesday. praver meeting. ) 7:30. % )