Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — THREE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. [ARTICLE]

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Tb?r* L> » tirs* rt vsem-ag Wbea lim =<C.,n d»y Jcr: tbe t*. i-a v ijywwre ~g ±»wa JM p! iks fir 1«v b :ve taster: uj is aenmtl t w ■ impeeiiag Tbs -..cy s< 11 ft «ill rcV«, Pisa-ii.* rx-m i»ek rrirai EL- t< < b.-I'j tad \eart titm; Se**i banti tie tky. Sat: al.-Q* is air aibsn rag Of iwtui purity-fei-t al.-M eriti teijed ink V«.: *:r tie pfl at Wit: L' .* iif-ed rlf ■ er, Sarrr tie Lean .f alrn Tb* ieetta *.*» ear etc E-tjc! TVr-jir. li* ecca J ca tie wxze: Tb* wtad tiat weled ti--rgbcut tie agM Drsp* *’■ 11 • Sfd of pata. A tagje alarm i* rrrepftf Ot*t tit* ielJa aod lava; Thao F*t»*. algbt ia cwer, Aad yet It ta act dava. Avar dowu !s Use paftarr* Tb* caf.> turn aad a.it; All beta* ttiag* ir* trecMed With a icaar et th* ockscwa. Ter they with eyes nay *e* Acd they wb* -joesUoo k=c-w. Make tb* tsoat of tb* m»gic been Tb* east begirt* to glow! • ••till Tbs east U ail la tumult. Tb* charmed boor is past. For, breaateg up tb* quiet ii!ia The day appears at last. —Cure Ucleawurtb In Chamber*’ JocroaL An Attack of Pneumonia Warded Off. “Some time ago my daughter caught a severe cold. She complained of pains in her chest and had a bad cough. I gave her Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy according to directions and in two days she was well and able to go to school. I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail." say? James Prendergast, merchant. Annotto Bay. Jamaica. West India Islands. The pains in the chest indicated an approaching attack of pneumonia, which in this instance was undoubtedly warded off by Chamberlain s Cougn Remedy. It counteracts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. Sold by all dealers and druggists. Benson. Smith & Co., agents for Hawaii.