Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — FLORENCE CREW HAWAIIAN BOY WERE RELEASED AGAIN ARRESTED [ARTICLE]

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VAN DYKE ATTEMPTS TO GET EVEN O'CONNELL WAS CHARGED WITH SAILING UNDER FALSE PRETENSES. Japanese Would Bribe a Policeman —Stiff Fine For Pair Charged With Adultery Porto Rican Found With Dangerous Knife. J. Van Dyke, the second mat** of the ship Florence, failed to present sufficient evidence against Seamen A Jacobson Olof Olsen and Jno. Johan sen. whom he had charged with assault and battery. The defendants w<-re dfsi barged by Judge Wilcox at yesterday’s session of police court. Fr> in the testimony, it appeared that Van Dyke had some difficulty with Captain Spicer of the Florence, and made a formal demand for his pa> The skipper refused to comply with the request, and Van Dyke was told that he would b given his money after the cargo was out of the ship and n>'t before. Van Dyke became very much Incensed over the result, and Captain Spicer stated that the arrest of the seamen was simply a put up job to cripple his available working force aboard ship. The discharge of the men yester «ia,.. anil tie* ir return to work, caused Captain Spicer to settle with the lie llgerent second officer, and he was paid off and discharged from further duty aboard the vessel. Fight at Boat Landing, lokepa Kane and James Herrington, boat men. were fined s•> and costs ,-ach for fighting at the boat landing Thursday night. The case of J. F. O'Connell charg ed with gross cheat was postponed nntil Monday morning O'Connell was arrested upon complaint of Fang l.um who stated that the defendant had agreed to install eleven electric lights into the Pang l.um premises at a total cost of $ll The Chinese further declared that O'Connell claimed to have been a represent* five of the Hawaiian Electric Co. The police are inclined to believe that the case arises from a general misunderstanding Miura. a Japanese from the training ship Mohican, was found guilty of committing adultery with a woman n im- 1 Kasa. t*oth being fin* d $."»" and costs The case was bitterly fought, the defendants b me represented by Attorneys Long and Kaulukon. Mlu • ;i was also charged with endeavoring to bribe the policeman who arrested him. th officer claiming that the matin* offered him 1J.40 for his release which was refused. The bribery charge was nolle prossed. Bad Man With a Knife. The case of Miura Hachi. a hackman o was alleged to have allow *d his vehicle to be used for ques tionable purposes was nolle prossed, i lv;ng brought up in connection w th the Miura complaint \ Porto Rican named San Michael. ’ ;r.d frequenting 'he vicinity of H *retania and Punchbowl sfre ts at a ’ate hour of night, carrying a dang. rous looking knife on his person was sentenced to two months at the re f According to the story of three Portugtt- so witnesses the defendant ndeavored to perpetrate a holdup, l it was outclassed and failed in his mission. Vuthorde, a Porto Rican vagrant, was sent to the reef for six months. The End of IL Ah K^ ; charged with heedless driving. was disc bars d. The man was arrested upon complain; of a Japan>e cyclist who declared he had been i-n down by the hackman Horita against whom a complaint v ad been <ll- d by the board of health r- warding the unsanitary condition r ' his premises, was granted until February 1 to remedy the existing evil. Three Japanese, arrested on Tbnrs- <*** sight's okolebao raid, were ar a;gr * They •• xttninat ion. Tbb rase will come up again Monday morning Not a single case of drunkenness, wae listed on yesterday morning's police court dock t.

I J. WARD ENLISTS ON THE MOHICAN SHIPS FOR FOUR YEARS 3L DO MUCH PUBLICITY RUINS HIS CHANCES. Bright and Capable Boy is Ac:-sed of Receiving Stolen Goods—Police Officials Interested in His Case — Enlists on the Mohican But s I Arrested Again Last Night. i James Ward, a young Hawa.ita boy. passed a first class -xarai nation , yesterday on board the training snip: Mohican and signed enlistm*ct papers for a period of four years Ward is only eighteen years t..,d j and is said to be a verv bright and • apatite young man. His father is I a first class machinist, and the hoy j seems to have inherited some of ta*-1 ingenuity of his father A f- w months ago he was captain of the Catholic 1 Mission baseball team and was very; popular among all those that knew him. He was arrested for being in possession of stolen goods which had bee n given to him by another boy,! and was locked up at the Oahu Jail |: waiting to appear at the next n i of the Circuit Court. Officials of the Police Departm-nt interested themselves In his ca—. ae they thought that there had b--n no.; criminal intent on his part, and wl>n tn<> Mohican anchored in Honolulu ■ harbor, they felt ther was a good, op- \ portunlty to give the young fellow a chance to start on a new. hon-st and i useful career. High Sheriff Brown took th- -t*ps necessary for such an end and the day before yesterdav secured his fell ase from the Oahu Jail and -eat him on board the Mohican. He pa-s ed the examination with unusual success and signed his enlistment f?r four years in the Tailed States Navy. 1 His grandmother interviewed Captain Merry and ev- rything seemed tc ■ bid fair for a good and honest future 1 for the young man when an evening paper yesterday published the story of his antecedents which cam :nd-r the eyes of Captain Cowden. Young Ward had been given leave ( to spend the night ashore with h* s 1 parents and could not be found, sc ' Captain Cowden went to Captain i

Parker asd tod him to hunt up the young man Ward was found at th* ci rner of Xuuaaa and Hotel streets and taken down to the police station where he was lock d up for the night' pending further investigation by th c ship's officers. Sheriff Brown and Captain Parker sympathize deeply with the boy. and wHI rensw th ir endeavors this mom :ng to give him a chance to make a good and honest living