Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — MASTER BUILDERS BOOM THE EXCHANGE [ARTICLE]

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Tne Master Builders’ As-oci*i«c is booming the proposed Builders’ Exchange. In order to call the attention of the building interests and kindred trades a circular has been ? nt out as follows: "O i That any person engaged, in any business through which ne has dealings with Master Build- rs ma' be< me special member of this As sociatiou. "»• i SpeciH memberships shall entitle the holder, or the firm or corporation which be r-presents, to all the privileg- s of the Association rooms and conveniences. Holders thereof may provide themselves with a desk of box for th ir mail, plans. • t . ■*i2 I The fee for enrollment of special members is |5.0", and the m rlhly dues $1 o*l. "i 4 i The Association reserves lh“ right to annul or restrict tne number of special memberships * The Association hopes that you wilt view the inauguration of an Ex change as a matt r of mutual inter .st and convenience."