Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — CONDENSED FOREIGN NEWS [ARTICLE]

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Colorado said to be stocking : self with California quail The Paris Beaux Arts has at last been thrown open to women to compete for the pH* de Rome Mar* - than half of the jewelry made :n tfc.s country is manufactured in the Artleboros. in Massachusetts. Tu Sal: 1-aK- Railroad’s grade to Pomona, Cal . with the exception of a short strip, is entirely finished and r- ady for the laying of rails The New York Central Railroad in tends electricity for steam, it is said, in the operation of its Park avenue >N - w Vcrkt tunnel this year. It is stated positively that the con tract between Goodale. Perkins & C • f San Fran> isco and the Pacific C ast Steamship Company has b~en c ancelltd. It has been announced that Prince H-nry of Prussia, on his return from the I’nited Stat-s. will be deputed to represent Emperor William at the coronation of King Edward It is stated on apparently good authority that th- British Cabinet conn ell, at its meeting on Monday, determined that steps should be taken "to prevent the ruin of th“ West Indies." Washington dispatches Indicate that the commercial aspect is b gin ning to invade the Chinese exclusion cuestion and threaten its security through new legislation on the subject. The value of the property destroyed by fire during the past year in the United Slates amounted to $153,750.>lO. or nearly $33,000,000 more than in 1900. and $33,000,000 in excess of the fire losses of 1899. The appointment of Whitelaw Reid as special ambassador to represent the United States at the coronation of King Edward has been received with much satisfaction in official and unofficial circles at London.