Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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keep Health}' BY DRINKING ROBERT'S Cream of Chocolate A pure beverage of great benefit to invalids and children. YOU CAN GET IT AT •*s Grocery * ORPHEUW BLOCK. Ihe Complete Process of rv-paiutiug a carriage nece-M--ta:e< sometime? the putting on of a? many as 1H COATS of Lead Paint. Filling Paint. Color Paint and Robbing Varnish, and onlv then is it ready for the final STRIPING. All Carriages that are brought to us go through all this and more, the old j>aint is burnt off and every three coats of lead are pumice stoned off smooth and when we let it go out of the Shops—you could not tell it from a new one. Bring in Your Old Looking Chariot and Have it Resurrected. W. W. WRIGHT, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER King Street THIRD AND LAST Great Clearance Sale A Ji A SI.OO Waists for S .SO I. ISO 200 2.50 3.00 5.00 it ■i •i it it it it it ii ii ii ii US 6.50 $4.00 Waists for 52.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 II II II II Shirt Waists at Half Price WHITNEY & MARSH, LTD. S Wro. G. Irwin & Co -LIMITEDREFINED SUGARS Cube and Granulated. PARA FINE PALM CO.’S Paints. Compounds and Building Papers. PAINT OILS, Lucol—Raw and Boiled. Linseed —Raw and Boiled. INDUHINE Water-proof Cold-water Paint, in side and outside: in white and colors. FERTILIZERS Alex. Cross 4 Sons’ high-grade Scotch fertilizers, adapted for sugar cane and coffee. N. Ohlandt & Co.’s chemical Fertilizers and finely ground Bone meal. STEAM PIPE COVERING, Reed's patent elastic sectJona pipe Covering. FILTER, PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jnte. CEMENT. LIME & BRICKS H H M H H N s M H M M H | N H M M H & P M H p E M H H H N H H M H H M A boy once wrote: “I lur a rooster fer tew things—one ix the krow that iz in him. and the other Is the spurs that air on him to Dak up his crow with.” • • • % We admit having crowed often and loud, but we hav*. the "spur* to back up the krow ” • • • We* sell pure and wholesome Groceries. H. MAY & CO., Ltd. Eoston Block. Telephones, 2*2, 24, 92. Fort Street. P. O. Box 386. M H gxxxxiiixxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxrxixxxxxxxxxxxxxrixxxxni h Beer Is a Tonic A pure brew of malt nrul bop-, is one of the best tonic* known. PRIMO LAGER is absolutely pure and made by the moat improved scientific process. Order a Case from the Brewery. TELEPHONE MAIN 341. Agents For WESTERN SUGAR REFINING PO . San Francisco, Cal BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. Philadelphia, Pa . U. S. A The Drawing Room NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO . (Manf. "National Cane Shredder” Newark. U. S- A Of ones house betrays whatever refinement and good taste there is in its adornment to the casual visitor. A VISIT to our store will convince any one of the excellence of our stock and the reasonableness o? our prices. 11. H. Williams, 1 146-1 148 FORT STREET. OHI.ARDT 4 CO.. San Frantfrcc. Cal RISOON* IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS San Francisco, Cal Furniture Work a Specialty. All Order* Promptly Executed. SING LEE TAI CARPENTER CONTRACTOR PAINTER “Union” Gas Engines STATIONARY *2? MARINE King Street Honolulu. H. I. Agents von Hamm-Young Co,, Ltd. Su:; M ins; Lung Co. K. YAU TOUNG. Manager. Corner Alakea 4 King Sts. BRUITS and FRESH OYSTERS by every boat. KONA COFFEE. KONA BUTTER. GUAVA JELLY. QUEEN STRxaT. MAIN 276. in. s. irwin s co.. ltd Ladies’ Underwear Samis Delivered Free. CTLINDER m FOR Sill A CYLINDER PRESS, in good condition —just the Pre»» for a JMeekly Paper. Will be sold at a Bargain. Apply at REPUBLICAN OFFICE. 0 3 0 Wm. G. Irwin.. President 4 Manage: Claus Spreckels..First Vice Resident W. M. Giffard. .Second Vice Preside*: H. M. Whitney. Jr... Treat, and Sec’} 000 Sugar Factors -IX3Commission Agents, 000 AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic S. S. Co. Of San Francisco. CaL SKIRTS and CHEMISES Made I. OM«urf K«p« tn3t » DRESSMAKING! Good Fit Guaranteed. Best Workmanship. Lowest Price*. LI OI I M smxc AVKUB • wUISf X.W PltMhl gt. 1 SEATTLE BEER!| On Draught or in >t £ at the "CRITER^”