Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 Ianuali 1902 — Shipping News and Notes. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Shipping News and Notes.

The freighter Hyades will sail today for San Francisco via Kahulni. The ship I. F. Chapman is announced to sail from New York about April Ist. Mr. A. Vizzavonna. French consul at this port, expects the cruiser "I-e Protef to arrive here today. Five arrests of Mohican bluejackets were made yesterday morning and ■.even yesterday afternoon. The steamer Waialeale made a special trip to Hanamaulu yesterday afternoon for a load of sugar. Captain George Johnson, of the bark S. C. Allen, was the guest 01 his passengers on the last trip from the Coast, at the Moaua hotel, on Thursday evening, and was presented with a beautiful pair of gold cuff links as a tokeh of the appreciation of the pass' tigers for their treatment at the hands cf Captain Johnson during the vr. age. Keels have been laid in Boole's ship yards in San Francisco for two six matted schooners, each of about 1800 tons, to be used for the Hawaiian Island trade. They will be 315 feet long by 48 feet beam and 16.8 hold. The builder says that the masts will be called the “fore." "main." “mizzen." “jigger." "spanker" and "driver.” He adds: "When the seventh mast comes we will christen it the pusher.' “ A novel and extremely simple ilfesaving device has been invented by M. George Broussel. of Havre. France. It is a sort of automatic folding buoy, and is formed merely of two boards of wood, which are joined together in the center. In ordinary weather it can be used as a seat on board a vessel. and when there is danger of a shipwreck it can be instantly turned into a life-saving buoy. Many experiments have already been made with it and they show that it can do effect work as well in a storm as in a calm sea. The American-Hawaiian Steamship Company announces the following dates for its steamers to leave Newark and San Francisco: S S. California. to sail about January 25; S. S. American, to sail about March 15; S. S Hyades to sail from San Francisto Febniarv 19.