Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Don’t Run Your Legs Off Looking for a Situation a room a house a servant A 25c *.r inthe REPUBLICAN Will do the Work Classified Advertisements in this column •r ill be inserted at 10 cents a line firs’ insertion; 5 cents a line second inser tion; 25 cents per line per week; 3.' cents per line ttco tceeks. and 50 cent• per Une per month. * FOR SALE. 6 Newly built Cottages. 1 Newly-built Stable, 60 by 50. 6 Fine Horses. 1 New Surrey. 1 New Hack. 2 Pairs New Single Harness. 1 Pair New Double Harness. 1 Pole. Apply to JOS. FRIAS. Fort St., opposite Hackfelds. WANTED. WANTED—At once. 6 or 7 room furnished cottage for light housekeeping by couple with no children Must be centrally located. Apply office. WANTED—To sell, some fine white Diamond rings; also fine opal rings; reasonable prices. Watches repaired or time. G. Dietz, watchmaker and jew Fort st_ near Hotel, in Preacottstore. WANTED —Girls to do laundry wot* Apply Sanitary Steam Laundry. Ka waiahao and South streets. WANTED —Two single gentlemen de sire rcoms and good table board, either in house or cottage must not be far from business portion of city. Expect to remain permanently If satisfactory and reasonable Address A. B. Republican Office. FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOM—A splendidly furnished room with excellent board for two gentlemen with pri vate family on Vineyard street TO LETT—Delightful roomy bath tubs with either hot or cold water, and every improvement and convenience known to the modern age.—.V Silent Barber Shop. FOR RENT—An eight room cotta** on Young street Apply J. A. Ms goon. Magoon building COMFORTABLE COTTAGES ON tb* premise of the Sanitart Steam Lann dry Co. Lt«i_ Mann ion and Sonti «*reets. The cottages contain 4 room* kitchen and hath room No am charge for hot and cold water ary electric lights. Rent reasonable. Ap ply on the premise* to J. Ligbtfoot manager.