Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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F. H. Redward Contractor and Builder 42 Punchbowl Street. Telephone BLUE 1701. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Telephone White Ml. : Jobbing Promptly Attended To. OSCAR SELLERS PLUMBING. Offlca and Shop; 472 Beretanla. Near Alapal Street I'r»pir.z Station. SEWER WORK A SPECIALTY. r " Why Xot KEEP YOUR HORSE AT THE Hotel Stables Where the Iced is good, the con- | ditions sanitary, attention kind and prompt, and RATES MODERATE? Janies Brown, Proprietor FISH MARKBT BOOTH Wm. J. ARNOLD, Manager. HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A CHOICE LINE OF Imported and ~ Domestic Meats; Pish; Li 'e and Refrigerated Poultry, Butter, Eggs. Cheese. Potatoes, Fruits «rd Vegetable*. Two deliveries dally to any place within i ;ty lunits--at 9 a m. and 3 p m Customers desiring to have their orders delivered are respectfully requested to cal) and leave the same prior to the hours above named. .Telephone Main 379.. ICE . . ICE Delivered to all parts of the city. Oahu Ice <& Electric Co. Phone 3151 Bluo

JL UViIV VAVJ ' * v* \ / , [»i lr\ i»*- i i *•»>: O/T£ WEEK WII.U oi R BIG SHIRT WAIST SALE LAST I I I V AU I V V IMPORTED GOODS of the very latent and most tvlish tashions. — Don't forget, it will close on & sty Saturday, Jan. 1 s th A. A. MONTANO, Prop H. F. DAVISON, Mop. I S ARLINGTON BLOCK. * • HOTEL STREET. I . I Phono Main 311. P. 0. Box 57. X !*. ~SS-SsS=« Get Tfour Horses from Telephone Main 35 - lo Get THE TERKIMV STABLES I A MODERN LIVERY, up-t(Mlate in every particular, first-class boarding Rigs delivered and called for in any part of the city. ir «> S. F, Thomas, Manager.